COEXISTENCE The work that is necessary to ensure that groups live together peacefully, equitably and productively. HAVE THEM DEFINE TERM IN THEIR CONTEXT Talk to person next to you for 5 min. about what does coexistence mean in your context and country? What questions does it raise for you? VOLUNTEER TO REPORT BACK TO GROUP– have John record on flip chart
COEXISTENCE Core values: Diversity is embraced for its positive potential Human dignity Interdependence between groups Equality is valued and actively pursued Use of weapons to address conflicts is increasingly obsolete CI understands coexistence to be represent a set of core values. JUSTICE as part of coexistence When we talk about coexistence we are talking about social inclusion, social cohesion, Important to recognize that the word is evolving and being debated
COEXISTENCE Coexistence refers to intergroup relations. Intergroup might mean between ethnic, religious or linguistic groups. Within or between borders. Between men and women. Between government and the citizenry. Because inter-group relations can cascade backward in the direction of intolerance and violence, sustainable coexistence requires ongoing work to nourish the attitudes, values, and capacities people need to strengthen respect, understanding, and cooperation over time. Two dimensions: • Socio-cultural dimension—what are the beliefs and attitudes that exist within the individual, within the norms of the organization, and within the practices of our informal communities that promote or constrain social inclusion? • Institutional/structural—what are the policies that exist in terms of education, housing, development, humanitarian assistance, refugee resettlement, etc., that create the context for positive inter-group relations or increasing inter-group tensions? Coexistence practitioners work both at the inter-personal and inter-communal as well as the social and structural levels.
COEXISTENCE Sri Lanka Iraq The Netherlands United States Israel Coexistence issues, concerns, challenges not particular to a region of the world or only places experiencing violence. Coexistence not only a response to violence, but also proactive. Intergroup relations can be improved and in this way coexistence work IS CONFLICT PREVENTION Sometimes the work is in countries that are at different stages in the conflict cycle, for instance in Sri Lanka or Iraq, which is in the midst of a violent conflict between ethnic groups and about identity and power. Or in places like The Netherlands or the United States, which are pluralistic societies dealing with relations among many different ethnic and racial groups and also with questions of assmilation. Or places like Israel, in a continual struggle over questions of equality, access to power, and land.
COEXISTENCE Similar terms for work with a shared mission include: conflict prevention peacebuilding conflict transformation reconciliation multicultural and diversity work.
WHY A COEXISTENCE LENS? Looking at a situation through the lens of coexistence helps us to pay attention, and respond to, issues of minority/majority, inclusion and exclusion, participation, marginalization, access to resources. A coexistence lens creates more opportunities for work in other sectors (human rights, development) to positively impact intergroup relations on the ground. When work is done w/o a coexistence lens it can have unintended negative consequences. EXAMPLES: DDR employment programs for ex-combatants that leave out those who were unemployed but not ex-combatants. Work done with refugees that is insensitive to the differences within the refugees population or that ignores the dynamics and needs or local communities or.