*Supported by National Research Council of Thailand Experience using Coloured Petri Nets to Model Railway Interlocking Tables* Somsak Vanit-Anunchai somsav@sut.ac.th School of Telecommunication Engineering Suranaree University of Technology Nakhon Ratchasima 30000 Thailand *Supported by National Research Council of Thailand and the State Railway of Thailand FSFMA 2014
Outline Introduce the railway signalling systems 26/04/62 Introduce the railway signalling systems What is the interlocking tables? (four functions) Motivation Previous work Two Problems with CPN 2009 Examples: CPN Model of the signalling system Objectives of Analysis Concluding Remark
Introduction to railway signalling 26/04/62 Railway Signalling System divides rail track into sections. Only one train is allowed in one section at a time. A section or route comprises wayside equipment 1) Track Circuits used to indicate the presence of trains 2) Signals to allow the train enter into the route. 3) Points (switches ) to diverge the train to another track. Each wayside equipment has an Identification number.
Route Released Normal Signal Operation 26/04/62 1 Route Released Normal Route 1-3(2) locked
Operation requirement Testing and Commissioning 26/04/62 Interlocking Tables play a central role for > 100 years Operation requirement Traffic Rules Signalling principle + x = Interlocking Tables or Control Tables are the tabular representation specifying how the train moves together with the states and actions of related equipment. Circuit Design Implementation Installation x x Accident Testing and Commissioning
1. Route Setting 26/04/62 201, 202
2. Approach Locked and 3.Route Released 26/04/62
4. What is Flank Protection? 26/04/62 The fail safe means that, in the event of failure, the system shall respond in a no harmful way or no danger to persons. The equipment within the surrounding area of the reserved route that may cause an accident shall be protected even if no train is expected to pass such a signal or such points. Points should be in such positions that they do not give immediate access to the route. Even though those flank points are not located on the required route, when the route is set, they shall be locked in the safe position until the route is released.
4. Flank Protection 26/04/62 201, 202
Motivation 26/04/62 Problems with manual inspection of railway Interlocking table labour intensive, erorr prone Labour x No. of Station = Too long time + errors Q:Why do not buy software tools from someone? A:Other software tools usually are designed for a specific railway company but SRT’s Operating rule is unique and can be changed. Need easy formal methods for signal engineers in order to maintain models themselves Coloured Petri Nets Model
26/04/62 Previous Work CPN 2009 Actually we use Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs) to model Railway Signalling Systems = Interlocking Tables + Signalling layout = Simulates trains movement.
26/04/62 Excel XML XSLT script ML functions are automatically created from XML control table using XSLT.
Generic Model for Interlocking Table 26/04/62 Generic Model for Interlocking Table require_point_normal(route) ++ require_point_reverse(route)
Two problems and suggestions in CPN2009 26/04/62 Two problems and suggestions in CPN2009 1. When the layout is complex difficult to model using Places and Transitions. Suggestion: Geographic information (how each wayside equipment connects to each other) is encoded into tokens. 2. Analysis result is not understandable because of too many terminal marking. Suggestion: prefers only 1 terminal marking No train in the terminal marking .
MoveT2T Page : (Coordination2010 ) (Generic mode for station layout) 26/04/62 MoveT2T Page : (Coordination2010 ) (Generic mode for station layout)
Previous Work: Coordination2010 26/04/62 Previous Work: Coordination2010 1. To answer the first comments Generic model of Signalling layout in Coordination2010. 2. While the second problem has not been solved, we encountered the third problem: State Exploded. The model in Coor2010 was the double track model but in CPN2009 was the single track model. 3. Even a small double track model we cannot fully analyse. However SRT can use partial analysis and simulation.
Previous Work: Coordination2010 (cont) 26/04/62 Previous Work: Coordination2010 (cont) 4. While the second problem has not been solved, the state explosion problem caused the project at halt. 5. Until CPN Tools version 4.0.0 Prioritized Transition, Reset Arc, Inhibitor Arc These features are very helpful so that we revise the CPN model.
A safe but undesired deadlock Automatic Route Setting required 26/04/62 Revisting 2nd Problem: why so many Terminal marking Initial Markings Case D A safe but undesired deadlock Automatic Route Setting required
Automatic Route Cancellation (required) 26/04/62 Automatic Route Cancellation (required) 2 1 1. Route #1 requires 111T = Normal and Lock 2. Route #2 requires 111T = Reverse keep attempting to move 111T to Reverse 3.After route #1 released, route #2 is still pending due to FP = 62T is not clear. 4. Another deadlock route #2 should be cancelled.
Automatic Route Setting and Automatic Route Cancellation 26/04/62 Automatic Route Setting and Automatic Route Cancellation These two functions are not in the Interlocking Table. Normally a signalman conducts the two functions. 3. Our model combines the specification and human action.
26/04/62 UserCommand Page
Objectives of Analysis 26/04/62 Objectives of Analysis The desired property is no train collision. Confidence in the model correctness and the Content of Interlocking Tables After route(s) setting and train(s) movement , The terminal markings shall be as we expected.
Initial Markings Case A 26/04/62 Set All Routes Initial Markings Case A Case B
Initial Markings Case C3 26/04/62 Initial Markings Case C3
26/04/62 With Flank Protection
26/04/62 With Flank Protection
Concluding Remarks 26/04/62 We can use the same (CPN) net structure to model any interlocking systems regardless of the size of the station. (CPN-09) Geographic information (how each wayside equipment connects to each other) is encoded into tokens. (Coordination 2010) We extend the model to include “Flank protection” (FSFMA2014) We include human action “Automatic Route Setting” and “Automatic Route Cancellation. However state explosion is still the problem.
Future work Refine the model. 26/04/62 Future work Refine the model. “Sectional Route Release” some part of the route is released so that we can reuse the equipment such as point for something else e.g. for another route, for shunting etc. Use symmetry property to reduce the size of state space. Apply the sweep-line method to tackle the state explosion problem.
Questions and comments? 26/04/62 Thank You! Questions and comments?