Operational Plan 2019 Governance Hub Program, GHP (2017-2021) By: Vang Sean 06 December 2018 Vision: Sustainable Development for Cambodia
Overall Program Objectives/Goals Enhanced Effectiveness and impact of CSOs Improved enabling environment for CSOs Overall Objectives/Goals
Specific Program Objectives GHP Increased CSO capacities for innovative response to development challenges. Improved multi-stakeholder partnership in policy development and effective development cooperation at all levels. Improved active participation of CCC members and innovative services of CCC secretariat.
Roles of CCC Coordinator Advocate Governance Champion
Working Approaches of GHP Member Centered Decentralization Inclusive Partnership/Do No Harm RBA
Program Strategies of GHP Governance System/Tool Research Multi-Stakeholder Engagement Advocacy/Lobbying CSO Fund/Financial sustainability Capacity Development ICT Tools and Innovation
Key Focuses and Priorities of the GHP 2019 KEY Priorities Governance System/Tool Ongoing implementation of GPP GPP review to meet the contemporary needs of NGOs Research 6 research studies related to CSOs Civil society census and their contributions to development of Cambodia GHP mid-term review Multi-stakeholders Engagement Government- CSO meetings (six monthly and annually) Development Partners – CSOs dialogues (six monthly and annually with EU, UN agencies, and other related donors) Piloting MSI (government-private sector and CSO) initiative at sub-national level International relations and engagement (OECD, G/C20, Lancang – Mekong Region, HLP, etc)
Key Focuses and Priorities of the GHP 2019 KEY Priorities Advocacy/Lobbying Legal compliance (LANGO, Tax, NSSF including pension and seniority, Accounting and Auditing Law) Influence key priorities of CSDGs, NSDP, and IP3 2018-2020, and new Cooperation Development Partnership Strategies (2019-2023), UNDAF, DP country strategies, and WB/IFM,ADB,AIIB policies and country strategies. Voluntary National Review (VNR) on CSDGs CCC Annual General Meeting and Civil Society Day CSO Fund/Financial Sustainability CSO center development Fund raising campaigns Small grants management Capacity development on resource mobilization and mobilizing for support.
Key Focuses and Priorities of the GHP 2019 KEY Priorities Capacity Development Strengthening provincial NGO networks (15 provinces) Strengthening CBOs in target provinces Implementation of holistic capacity development program (Do No Harm, Governance, Result Based Management, and Resource Mobilization Management-RMM). Learning forum (HR, Finance, RMM, M&E, ITC, Governance) ICT Tools and Innovations CSO database strengthening CCC membership engagement and development Online reporting and monitoring for CSOs Communications and security for CCC members and target CSOs.
Thanks for your attention!