Once upon a time,there was an old man. He had 4 sons Once upon a time,there was an old man.He had 4 sons. He wanted to teach them a lesson.
In winter,
he called his oldest son.
He said
“Go and look after
my tree in the forest” to him
In spring,he called his second oldest son.
he said
“Go and look after my tree in the forest” to him.
In summer
he called his third oldest son.
He said
“Go and look after my tree in the forest” to him.
In autumn,he called his youngest son.
He said
“Go and look after my tree in the forest” to him.
Then he called them altogether.He asked “How was the tree?”
The oldest son said “The tree was ugly and dry. It had no leaves The oldest son said “The tree was ugly and dry.It had no leaves.” The second oldest son said “No,it was green and lively.It had a lot of leaves.”
The third oldest son said “No,it had a lot of fruits The third oldest son said “No,it had a lot of fruits.They tasted beautiful.” The youngest son said “No,it was brown.Its leaves were on the ground.
The old man smiled. He said “You are all correct The old man smiled. He said “You are all correct!You shouldn’t make hasty decisions.You should wait and see.”