Superheroes In Action Classroom News: Mrs. Bean’s Specials: February 8, 2019 Important Dates: February 22nd: End of Term February 25th- March 5th: Winter Break March 8th: Rosie Revere, Engineer @ The Flynn March 15th: Parent-Teacher Conferences – no school Classroom News: We had a great celebratory week. On Tuesday we celebrated the 100th day of school. On Thursday we celebrated Valentine’s Day. Today we went to a jump rope show. The jump-ropers came from Vernon Elementary School. Along with this newsletter you will find a few forms. One has information about the field trip. Please sign and return the permission slip. The other is a sign-up sheet for parent-teacher conferences. There is no school on March 15th because of conferences. There are conference times available Monday through Friday. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the field trip or conferences. Enjoy the weekend! Mrs. Bean Specials: Monday: Music Tuesday: Library (Remember to return your book) Wednesday: PE (Remember sneakers) Thursday: Art Friday: PE (Remember your sneakers) Contact Information: Email: Phone: 802-485-6161 Ext. 3258
What we are Learning! Math O.G. This week we reviewed our goals that we set in January. We will set new ones when we return from break. We read with Mrs. Bean and other adults. We completed our nonfiction unit! We now know how to become super-smart about nonfiction topics when we read. Students graphed candy hearts. They also worked on word problems that require them to understand what “in all” and “fewer” means. They continued to practice facts within 20. Students were introduced to 3-letter blends. This includes words that begin with scr, str, spl, squ, thr, shr, and spr. We will continue this skill next week. We are continuing to work on creating our parks. Next week we will build and test our parks. Reading Math O.G. Science