Womxnism: A Call and Response to Mainstream Feminism Tuesday, March 12, 2019 | 11:15 – 12:15 p.m. LACC, 409 Karen Chaney, Residence Hall Director, Boston University Chelsea Reid, Area Director, Boston University
Introductions and Ground Rules Safe Space Empathy Boundaries Step Up and Step Back One View Point
History We’ve always been here.
Why the “X” Etymology influencing history the deification of men is entrenched in our society Inclusion of genders and culture Typography as art the x become the “inbetween" How do you define revolution?
Current Manifestations
Call to Action There is no one (right) way to infuse womxnism into your professional life and personal life. However, here are some ways that your colleagues would appreciate in the short & long term.
Intent, Impact, Allyship Look back and ask yourself, what have we done in the name of good intentions? If a womxn of color is slandered in a room, and you are the only one around to hear it, do you make a sound?
Further Reading *available to preview in real time This guide is meant to allow an individual to educate themselves with different perspectives in various mediums. In addition, it builds a wealth of resource if the individual chooses to share the information. I encourage you to give credit to the guide and originator of the resources provided below. None of the resources are meant to be read in a chronological order. This is self-paced & self-guided. You are under no obligation to read these resources. If you do so then it is of your own volition.
(2018, November 06). Retrieved March 12, 2019, from https://www AnnMarie (2017). A Filipinx American Womxn’s Journey to Womxnism. http://www.formationofafilipinxamerican.com/a-filipinx-americans-journey-to- womxnism/ Bernard, M. (2013, March 3). Despite the tremendous risks, African American women Marched for Suffrage, too. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2013/03/03/despite-the-tremendous-risk-african-american-women-marched-for- suffrage-too/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.9cbab2529b37. Bowes, L. (2017, December 21). Performative wokeness needs stop. https://www.varsity.co.uk/violet/14313. Blaque, K. (2019, January 23). Retrieved March 12, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWgOpOkSCOI&t=0s&list=WL&index=23 Brown, A., Garcia, C., Greenberg, M., & Nguyen, T. (2018, April 10). Womanist Club pushes for more intersectionality in campus feminism. Retrieved from http://www.campustimes.org/2018/04/10/womanist-club-pushes-for-more-intersectionality-in-campus-feminism/ Giordano, C. (2018, October 10). Why people are calling women 'womxn' and why the word is causing outrage. Retrieved from https:// www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/womxn-women-womyn-feminist-dictionary-13395596 Jamie. (2016, May 08). Intent vs. Impact: Why Your Intentions Don't Really Matter. Retrieved from https://everydayfeminism.com/2013/07/intentions- dont- really-matter/ Kornhaber, S. (2019, January 24). How Ariana Grande Fell Off the Cultural-Appropriation Tightrope. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/ entertainment/archive/2019/01/ariana-grandes-7-rings-really-cultural-appropriation/580978/ Lampen, C. (2018, April 11). What does it mean to identify as a 'womyn?' Retrieved from https://www.dailydot.com/irl/womyn/ Minsiter, M. (2012). Female, Black, and Able: Representations of Sojourner Truth and Theories of Embodiment. Disability Studies Quarterly. Vol 30 (1). Mosthof, M. (2017, Jan 30). If You are not about the criticism of the Women’s March, Then you are apart of the problem. https://www.bustle.com/p/if-youre-not-talking-about-the-criticism-surrounding-the-womens-march-then-youre-part-of-the-problem-33491
Quarshie, M. (2017, March 30). #BlackWomenatWork shows why women identify as womanists, not feminists. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/03/30/black-women- womanism-feminism/99514484/ Raedle, J. (2017, May 09). Womyn, wimmin, and other folx - The Boston Globe. Retrieved from https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2017/05/09/womyn- wimmin-and-other-folx/vjhPn82ITGgCCbE12iNn1N/story.html Rousseau, N (2013). Historical Womanist Theory: Reinvisioning Black Feminist Thought. Race, Gender, Class, Vol. 20. Pp.191-204. Russ, V. (2019, January 21). On Martin Luther King. Day, remembering the women civil rights leaders left out of the spotlight. https://www.philly.com/news/mlk-holiday-civil-rights- movement-women-history-ella-baker-20190121.html?fbclid=IwAR1rm81eGiHknUpClL31oU-DzhV0aUuhpZ-Rqxd6AaAR4MFFu4bZPaqInGY Regan, A. (2018, October 10). Should women be spelt womxn? Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-45810709 Vagianos, A. (2017, March 27). Solange: 'I Am A Proud Black Feminist And Womanist'. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/solange-i-am-a-proud- Yancy, G. (2004). What White Looks Like: African American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question. Routledge. black-feminist-and-womanist_us_58d9303ce4b03692bea7f6e7 Vibes, K. (2018, March 22). Intersectional Feminism 101: What is Womxn? Retrieved from https://medium.com/@knottyvibescompany/intersectional- feminism-101-what-is-womxn-36c0a3140126 Why Africa relates to Africana Womanism || The Southern Times. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://southerntimesafrica.com/site/news/why-africa-relates-to- africana-womanism Why Are People Using the Terms 'Womyn' and 'Womxn' Instead of 'Women'? (2016, March 20). Retrieved from http://helloflo.com/gwendolyn-women-etymology/ Why I Choose to Identify As a Womxn. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.hercampus.com/school/washington/why-i-choose-identify-womxn Why I Don't F**k with Feminism, Even If It's Intersectional. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.forharriet.com/2015/10/why-i-dont-fk-with-feminism-even-if- its.html Why I'm A Womanist First, Feminist Second. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://blavity.com/why-im-a-womanist-first-feminist-second
See you next year in Austin, Texas! Thank you! See you next year in Austin, Texas!