Quick Quiz 3 Worldviews
Quick Quiz 1 Brentano asserts that consciousness is always … transparent to itself consciousness of something a feature of brains, and only brains making us feel submissive making us feel dominant
Quick Quiz 2 Kant distinguishes reality into: For-itself and In-itself Monads and Dyads Metaphysics and Epistemology Physical and Spiritual Phenomena and Noumena
Quick Quiz 3 Sartre distinguishes reality into: For-itself and In-itself Monads and Dyads Metaphysics and Epistemology Physical and Spiritual Phenomena and Noumena
Quick Quiz 4 Sartre says consciousness is a: brain function fiction nothingness sickness ‘tough egg to crack’
Quick Quiz 5 If we feel disturbed by our radical freedom, we may want to: have someone dominate us kill ourselves have a lot of sex avoid sex dominate someone else
Quick Quiz 6 Who suggested we should ‘bracket’ experience to exclude belief in an external world? Brentano Husserl Sartre DiGiorno Heidegger
Quick Quiz 7 Who was the first famous philosopher to say we should give up on responding to skepticism? Quine Goldman Calvin Reid Plantinga
Quick Quiz 8 Who believes we have a special faculty called the ‘sensus divinitatis’? Calvin Reid Plantinga Goldman Quine
Quick Quiz 9 Who believes we have a special faculty called the ‘sensus communis’? Calvin Reid Plantinga Goldman Quine
Quick Quiz 10 If a belief is “properly basic,” that means we can believe it … without grounds without evidence
Quick Quiz 11 The view that we must know sufficient reasons for our beliefs to be justified in believing is called: Evidentialism Internalism Externalism Optimism Kantianism
Quick Quiz 12 We are justified in believing something when a reliable process produced our belief (we don’t personally need to know what that process is). That’s … Evidentialism Internalism Externalism Optimism Kantianism
Quick Quiz 13 Who below is an Internalist? Descartes Quine Goldman Plantinga Hume
Quick Quiz 14 Who below is a theist? Descartes Quine Goldman Plantinga Hume
Answers … B E A C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. B & E 14. A & D