Derek Scott, Elaine Lyall, Iain Rowe & Alison Strath Use of LabTutor improves student engagement and achievement in ECG and EEG practical classes Derek Scott, Elaine Lyall, Iain Rowe & Alison Strath
Introduction When students are being taught physiological measurement techniques, they may find it difficult to stay enthused and engaged trying to perform novel/complex tasks. Problems with equipment set-up, calibration, and perceiving relevance to real-life scenarios may dishearten/overwhelm students, or they may miss the point. Staff may avoid “complicated” practical classes such as these because of poor student feedback. LabTutor (AD Instruments) provides step-by-step instructions to learn techniques. Practical results/answers may be submitted by students for assessment later.
What is LabTutor? Image courtesy of AD Instruments
Aims of study This study aimed to discover whether use of LabTutor could improve student engagement and achievement in practical classes. It also aimed to show that LabTutor could be successfully integrated into existing classes, and could be a catalyst for introducing more or better practical classes.
Background to Study Two different classes were studied – one teaching basic measurement/interpretation of EEG’s, and the other ECG’s. Students could leave the class when they felt they had completed the assigned work satisfactorily. In 2013-14, equipment setup/technique was demonstrated at the start of the class, with paper-based instructions and submitted practical answers. In 2014-15, students followed the computer-based scenario/instructions provided by LabTutor, submitting their answers electronically. The mark achieved by students and time spent completing the exercise was recorded.
Time voluntarily spent in EEG practical
Grade achieved in EEG Practical
Time voluntarily spent in ECG practical
Grade achieved in ECG practical
Conclusion LabTutor improves student engagement and achievement when learning physiological measurement techniques. Integration of clinical scenarios enhances student appreciation of the activities. Staff reported that students of all backgrounds required less help and found it much easier to work through the tasks. Use of LabTutor may enable increased provision of practical skills training to a wider range of students.
Acknowledgements College of Life Sciences & Medicine Teaching Facility Technicians at University of Aberdeen for setting up LabTutor practical classes. University of Aberdeen Development Trust for funding the studentship that partly enabled this work.