Gretchen H. Stanton Secretary, SPS Committee Workshop on the Relationship between the SPS Committee and the International Standard-Setting Organizations Gretchen H. Stanton Secretary, SPS Committee
1. Relevant role of the SPS Committee vis-à-vis Codex, IPPC and OIE Article 12.1 of the SPS Agreement - SPS Committee to provide a regular forum for consultations, implement the Agreement and foster, inter alia, harmonization. Art. 12.2 – SPS Committee to encourage use of international standards Art.12.3 – SPS Committee should seek scientific and technical advice from 3 sisters
1. Relevant role of the SPS Committee vis-à-vis Codex, IPPC and OIE Art. 12.4 – SPS Committee to monitor use of international standards Art. 12.5 – Avoid unnecessary duplication Art. 12.6 – SPS Committee may request 3 sisters to examine specific matters with respect to a particular standard, guideline or recommendation
Potential areas of duplication and opportunities for collaboration SPS Committee's process to invite 3 sisters to address concerns Evaluation of the actions taken by 3 sisters to resolve issues forwarded by the SPS Committee
Consistency in interpretation of the SPS Agreement across the 3 sisters Monitoring of work carried out by other relevant international bodies, including status of guidelines of other international standard-setting bodies Equivalence, non-use of standards, absence of standards, or inappropriate standards and their prioritization within the Committee