DTA Annual report FY 2011-2012 presentation to the portfolio committee on cooperative governance and traditional affairs Director - General Prof. MC Nwaila October 2012
Purpose of the Presentation To present the DTA Annual Performance for the 2011-2012 financial year in line with Section 40 (1) (e) of the PFMA. 2
Impact on traditional communities Vision and Mission Effective and efficient traditional affairs that contribute towards sustainable development and service delivery Vision Mission Statement Impact on traditional communities To coordinate traditional affairs activities across government through: Development of appropriate policies, systems and regulatory framework for governing traditional affairs Enhancement of organisational efficiency and effectiveness Establishment of capacity development systems and partnership models Undertaking periodic research and development on traditional affairs matters Monitoring and evaluation of the performance of DTA and its entities Mission
Approved Organisational Structure
DTA Approved Staff Establishment Where we are The approved structure has 127 posts. Only 79 of the 127 positions are funded and filled. Progress on issues Previously raised by the Portfolio Committee
Progress on issues Previously raised by the Portfolio Committee Questions asked for DTA Progress What is the Department doing in terms of Regulations to address inconsistencies of support, including burials, of Kings and Queens The DTA is currently finalizing tools of trade handbook through the Ministerial Task Team to address inconsistencies within the institution of traditional leadership How does DTA support and capacitate the CRL Rights Commission to deliver on its mandate DTA supported the CRL Rights Commission in terms of planning and alignment processes as well as providing funding support and motivating for additional funding from National Treasury to enable the Commission to deliver on its mandate. It is now adequately funded
Summary of achievements per strategic objective Strategic Objective 1: To build organizational capacity of the Department of Traditional Affairs and strengthen the capability to deliver on its mandate Achievements Department prioritised setting up systems to improve its functioning. These systems include: Planning and performance reporting through the development and implementation of Planning and Reporting Guidelines, organisational performance monitoring and evaluation system Budget management system Performance Management and Development systems
Summary of achievements per strategic objective Strategic Objective 1: To build organizational capacity of the Department of Traditional Affairs and strengthen the capability to deliver on its mandate Achievements Established structures for COGTA portfolio engagement with stakeholders, namely: ( Minister and National House Engagement session (MINHTL), Minister and KhoiSan Engagement Sessions (MINKHOISAN) and Minister and CONTRALESA Engagement sessions (MINCONTRALESA). These are structures where the Minister engages with Traditional Affairs stakeholders on Departmental programmes and stakeholders needs The Department also developed systems for communication, marketing and branding of the DTA. The Department now has its own website.
Summary of achievements per strategic objective Strategic Objective 2: To enhance alignment and standardization in the regulatory, institutional, and support framework for traditional affairs across provinces and municipalities Achievements The Department repealed and consolidated the National House of Traditional Leaders Act, No. 10 of 1997 (NHTLA) and the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act No. 41 of 2003 (TLGFA) into the National Traditional Affairs Bill (NTAB). Amended Local Government: Municipal Structured Act, 1998 Amended the Independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act, 1997
Summary of achievements per strategic objective Strategic Objective 3:To ensure that traditional communities are empowered by reviewing and developing the national support programme for traditional communities and governance structures Achievements DTA developed and implemented the capacity building strategy. The implementation includes establishment of the National and Provincial Capacity Building Forums; and The Department coordinated training of members of the National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) and members of the Eastern Cape Provincial House on the indigenous law.
Summary of achievements per strategic objective Strategic Objective 4: To promote and integrate the role and place of traditional affairs and the institution of traditional leadership, in the South African governance system by establishing synergetic relations with other governance structures across the three spheres of government. Achievements The Department undertook and completed the assessment of the state of governance of traditional leadership structures. The outcome of this process is a National Consolidated Assessment report and eight provincial reports on the state of governance of the institution of traditional leadership DTA developed a Partnership Model. The model makes provision for traditional leadership structures to form partnerships with the three spheres of government, business as well as civil society.
Summary of achievements per strategic objective Strategic Objective 5:To support DTA entities by ensuring that they play a central role towards development and service delivery Achievements The Department provided the following support to its Entities: Provided financial and human resources to the National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) to implement its constitutional mandate; Provided financial and human resources to the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims (CTLDC) to establish provincial Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims committees for the finalisation of traditional leadership disputes and claims; Provided research capacity to the CTLDC; and Provided support for planning and performance reporting to NHTL and CTLDC
Summary of achievements per strategic objective Strategic Objective 6: To enhance knowledge management within traditional affairs. Achievements Information Management System has been developed and data on traditional communities, traditional councils in South Africa, and members of the national and provincial houses have been captured in the system.
Overview of DTA Achievement for 2011/12 FY
Summary of Achievements Per Programme Achieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved Total Administration (Office of the Director General) 4 1 6 Research, Policy and Legislation (RPL) 3 8 15 Institutional Support and Coordination (ISC) 9 2 14 TOTAL 16 12 7 35 Percentages (%) 46% 34% 20% 100
Progress Against Programme Deliverables Administration DTA 2011- 2014 Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan for 2011-2012 were developed and submitted to Parliament for tabling The department has developed the Internal Audit Charter and Audit Committee Charter which serve the same purpose as the Internal Audit policy A draft concept document for Change Management Strategy has been developed The Department has been able to capacitate the internal audit unit as per current approved organisational structure. The department appointed a senior manager for financial management DTA Planning and Reporting Guidelines were developed, approved and implemented The Communications and Marketing Strategy and framework were developed and implemented
Progress against programme deliverables Research, Policy & Legislation Draft consultation report was developed Draft profiles for the following provinces Kwa-Zulu Natal, Frees State, Northern Cape, Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga were developed Verification and capturing of data relating to traditional communities, members of all Houses of traditional leadership has been completed. Technical amendments have been identified but system has not been upgraded yet. The draft formula for determining the number of members of kingship/ queenship Councils and principal traditional councils have been developed and circulated for comments. The Bill was developed and consulted on The draft Bill has been refined based on the recommendations made in respect of certain policy issues. The Bill is pending pre legal certification by the State Law Advisers. Meanwhile the Memorandum on the Objects has been finalized, and the first draft of the RIA has been prepared. The Guidelines on the determination of number of members of the Traditional council have been developed and gazetted.
Progress against programme deliverables Research, Policy & Legislation A draft protocol guidelines developed A COGTA knowledge management strategy has been developed Needs analysis of the DTA were provided in knowledge cafes workshops as conducted by DCOG.
Progress Against Programme Deliverables Institutional Support &Coordination A reporting tool for monitoring and reporting of Capacity Building programmes developed. Members of the NHTL and PHTL (Eastern Cape) trained on Indigenous Law. Funding proposal for skills audit sdevelopedA DBSA/ DTA MoU for collaboration on institutional support for traditional leadership institution has been finalised. Provincial Assessment Reports of the following provinces were adopted: Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga North-West and Northern Cape 1 National Assessment Report was adopted One national structure and three provincial structures were established Capacity Building Strategy and Implementation Plan consulted upon and approved The programme coordinated training of traditional leaders on indigenous law for members of NHTL and Eastern Cape PHTL, whereby 18 members of the NHTL and 26 members of the PHTL were trained.
Progress Against Programme Deliverables Institutional Support &Coordination Draft partnership strategy developed Annual progress report on the performance of the three entities was developed and incorporated into DTA draft Annual Report Entities’ monitoring and reporting system was developed DTA coordinated the development of entities’ outputs plan which serve as entities’ MTEF plans and were included in both the DTA strategic plan and APP The NHTL has developed its non financial programme performance information which was incorporated into DTA draft Annual Report The Partnership Model developed
Summary of Achievements Per Entity Achieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved Total National House of Traditional Leaders (NHTL) 4 1 - 5 Commission for Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims (CTLDC) 3 TOTAL 7 8 Percentages (%) 87.5% 12.5% % 100
Progress Against Entity’s Deliverables National House of Traditional Leaders The Communication and Marketing Strategy was developed but required further review for approval and implementation A total of 44 traditional leaders were trained during the 2011/12 financial year through the Capacity Building Unit of the DTA In addition the Skills audit for Traditional Leaders was conducted during the year under review by the Justice College The NHTL participated in various projects organised by government departments, The House engaged the following departments and structures to improve service delivery and development in communities, DRDLR, SALGA, CoGTA, StatsSA, Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Justice & Constitutional Development and Social Development. reached Inputs provided to Parliament and departments on the SA Languages, NTAB, Constitutional Review, Customary Marriages Act, Childrens Act, Policy on IKS by Science and Technology, Restorative Justice Policy, Initiation Schools and Ukuthwala Members of the NHTL participated in cultural events hosted by various traditional councils, provincial houses, national government departments and structures.
Progress Against Entities’ Deliverables Commission for Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims During the year under review the CTLDC processed and finalized a total of 139 claims and disputes The Commission is composed of five members who are appointed on full time basis for a period of five years The CTLDC has managed to facilitate the establish all provincial committees A draft Traditional Leadership Dispute Resolution Guidelines were developed
DTA 2011/12 Financial Performance Sub-programme Final Appropriation R’000 Actual Expenditure R’000 Variance R’000 Management: Head of Traditional Affairs 11 240 - Policy and Legislative for Traditional Affairs 14 036 Institutional, Support and coordination 11 507 National House of Traditional Leaders 19 204 Commission for the Promotion & Protection of the Rights of cultural, Religious & Linguistic Communities 20 378 Commission on Traditional Leaders Disputes 10 212 10212 Total 88 577
DTA 2011/12 Financial Performance Cont Economic classification Final Appropriation R’000 Actual Expenditure R’000 Variance R’000 Current payments 65 516 - Compensation of employees 36 367 Goods and services 29 149 Interest and rent on land Transfers & subsidies 22 378 Departmental Agencies & Accounts Payments of capital assets 683 Machinery & equipment Payment for financial assets Total 88 577
DTA 2011/12 Financial Performance Sub-programme Final Appropriation R’000 Actual Expenditure R’000 Variance R’000 Management: Head of Traditional Affairs 11 240 - Policy and Legislative for Traditional Affairs 14 036 Institutional, Support and coordination 11 507 National House of Traditional Leaders 19 204 Commission for the Promotion & Protection of the Rights of cultural, Religious & Linguistic Communities 20 378 Commission on Traditional Leaders Disputes 10 212 10212 Total 88 577
DTA 2011/12 Financial Performance Cont Economic classification Final Appropriation R’000 Actual Expenditure R’000 Variance R’000 Current payments 65 516 - Compensation of employees 36 367 Goods and services 29 149 Interest and rent on land Transfers & subsidies 22 378 Departmental Agencies & Accounts Payments of capital assets 683 Machinery & equipment Payment for financial assets Total 88 577
Service Delivery Challenges & Solutions DTA is inadequately funded. This affects the functionality and effectiveness of the Department in fulfilling its mandate and service delivery These challenges are currently being addressed with National Treasury through the Medium Term Expenditure Committee processes The Department is not yet fully established. It does not have its Corporate and Financial services; this poses a challenge on service delivery by the Department and its ability to meet its clients’ expectations The Department is not fully established and therefore not able to cover all the areas of the mandate, such as social cohesion, indigenous knowledge systems, administration of justice, culture, development, etc.
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