Students continue the test for about 20 questions, with the test adapting to their responses. Finally, it determines their Lexile reading measure. Once a student completes the test, they are given their Lexile measure. They are then able to create a personalised RECOMMENDED READING LIST…this is based on their Lexile range (100 below 50 above their measure), and their selected interests.
After completing the test, students can generate a ‘Recommended Reading List’ that will be based on their targeted Lexile range and their selected interests. Interests can be changed as frequently as they please.
Recommended Reading Lists are unique to each student, updated each time they access the platform.
Students can read a short blurb on each title so students know what to expect. List also provides info on Lexile level, word count, and interests. Students can then change the format of the Recommended Reading List to a condensed printable report that can be used for easy, targeted borrowing from the School library. Encourage students and parents to access books from a variety of sources, including: School library Book Club Book Fairs Local Book Shops Local Library Friends and Family LIBRARY LOAD – we are able to take your library catalogue and merge it with the LitPro platform. This will identify all titles in your library that have been analysed and given a LEXILE MEASURE. Students can refine their search to be ‘IN LIBRARY’ and ‘QUIZZES ONLY’.
MOTIVATING STUDENTS How will students develop their reading skills MOTIVATING STUDENTS How will students develop their reading skills? TARGETED READING! Read books and take quizzes in their Lexile range – so they are challenged, but not frustrated with what they read. Student 1 is interested in horses. So chooses to read Running with the Horses, 720L. Student 2 likes funny stories. So chooses to read a Scooby-Do story, 190L.
Targeted Reading develops literacy skills Research shows that the more students read, the better readers they will become. Sounds obvious, right? Actually , it’s not quite that simple. It’s critical that students read within a targeted range to develop as readers. When students read within their Lexile Range, they comprehend about 75% of what they are reading. That is enough to understand the text and not feel frustrated, while also acquiring new vocabulary, reading comprehension skills (decoding ability, spelling performance, general word recognition), and information in the process. Nobody benefits from feeling frustrated. Targeted Reading range is defined as about 100L below and 50L above a student’s Lexile. The result is a rewarding reading experience. More than 75% comprehension: Too easy! Targeted range of 75% comprehension: Just right! Less than 75% comprehension: Too hard!
… and research has shown that reading independently for 20 minutes a day significantly improves students’ reading skills Words per year (in millions) Independent reading time Reading rate % 21 minutes / day 1.80 90th 9.6 minutes / day .62 70th And how much Targeted Reading should students be doing? Instinctively, we know that the more students read, the better their reading skills. This applies to ALL students – great readers and slow readers alike. This research study revealed that kids who read 20 minutes a day read 6 times as many words in a year as kids who read under 5 minutes a day. That 15 minutes a day is the difference between reading at a 90th proficiency percentile versus the 50th. Reading more books has a direct effect on reading proficiency. Extra information: Anderson, Wilson and Fielding studied the out-of-school time spent reading by students in Year 5. From diaries that the children filled out daily over several months, the researchers estimated how many minutes per day individuals were engaged in reading. The data indicate that children at the 50th percentile in amount of independent reading were reading approximately 4.6 minutes per day or about half an hour each week. Whereas children at the 90th percentile were spending almost 5 times that amount of time reading – about 21 minutes each day or 2 hours and 45 minutes each week. Next the authors averaged the number of words read each day and multiplied this by the reading rate for each child to obtain an estimate of the total number of words read each year. These estimates are even more staggering - kids at the 90th percentile were reading about 1.8 million words per year as compared with 282,000 words per year for students in the 50th percentile. More importantly, Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding conclude that the amount of time a child spends reading books outside of school is related to the child's reading level in Year 5 and growth in reading proficiency from Year 2 to Year 5. The authors conclude that reading books may be a cause, not merely a reflection, of reading proficiency. 4.6 minutes / day .28 50th Anderson, Wilson and Fielding (1988): Growth in reading and how children spend their time outside of school. Reading Research Quarterly, 23, 285-303.
BOOK QUIZZES Motivate Progress by Supporting Independent Reading with the Right Books After reading a book, students may take a short online quiz which relates directly to the title they have just completed More than 12,000 titles have been analysed by the Lexile levelling system More than 7,500 of these titles have had quizzes developed (up to 30 questions) A student answers just 10 of these questions when taking the book quiz Quiz pass mark is set at 70% which is the targeted comprehension development range (this can be altered by schools in settings tab) If a student does not pass, they can retake the quiz after a set timeframe Once a quiz has been passed: points, word count, and pass rate are updated on student results page
Students may take online quiz MOTIVATE Students may take online quiz Students choose a book from their Recommended Reading list, or can search for a specific title. If selecting ‘Quizzes Only’ students know they will have a quiz to complete after reading the book After reading the title, they select ‘Take the Quiz’
A short 10 question quiz to exhibit comprehension of the text MOTIVATE A short 10 question quiz to exhibit comprehension of the text
Pass the quiz - Rate the book MOTIVATE Pass the quiz - Rate the book