The Thematic strategy and the possible measures of action Clean Air for Europe The Thematic strategy and the possible measures of action CAFE SG 17 -18 May 2004 André Zuber and Matti Vainio, DG Environment
TS and possible measures 1 Simplification and streamlining of reporting Better regulation and better use of information collected Better guidance for monitoring and reporting Using more modern methods of reporting via internet ”Harmonisation” of the requirements of AQ and emission data. Also harmonisation visavi other areas.
TS and possible measures 2 Review and revision of the AQ directives Draft review report by the CAFE WG on Implementation. Draft communication from COM Possibility to revise the limit values or applicability Guidance/regulation/harmonisation on monitoring, assessment and reporting as well as air quality management
TS and possible measures 3 Revision of the NEC directive NEC directive: Review in 2004 and 2006 Proposal for revised NEC in 2006 November 2004 – deadline for MS to submit revised energy baselines for NEC revision, new information on technologies November 2005 - final stakeholder consultations New ceilings, wider scope of sectors and new pollutants
TS and possible measures 4 Review of the Large Combustion Plant directive Consultant contract preparing for review Links with CC policies Cost-effectiveness and comparison with other sectors Widening of scope of the directive and new standards
TS and possible measures 5 Reduction of air pollution from small combustion installations Complex area, many sources in various applications Fuel substitution coal and peat to gas, economic incentives Widening of other directives, LCP New emission standards and a single market Inspection and maintenance Bans and restriction of use
TS and possible measures 6 VOC stage II Good experience in many MS Should be considered as an option for further reduction of VOCs Effectiveness and costs needs to be considered as well
TS and possible measures 7 Reduction of ammonia from agriculture Agriculture a major contributor but only some installations under regulation (IPPC) Links with the Common Agriculture Policy (Demand and rural development) Scope for linking of environmental objectives and CAP–cross compliance
TS and possible measures 8 Reduction of air pollution from new passenger and light duty vehicles New emission limit values (EURO 5), emission reductions of NOx, PM Considering new metrics of emissions (particle number) Control of presently unregulated substances Revise test cycles and procedures Increased durability improved control of defeat devices EEV reviewing the scope for further improvements
TS and possible measures 9 Reduction of air pollution from new HDV New emission limit values (EURO 6), emission reductions of NOx, PM Considering new metrics of emissions (particle number) Revised test cycles (WHDC) and procedures Increased durability and in-use compliance EEV reviewing the scope for further improvements
TS and possible measures 10 Review of directive on quality of vehicle fuels Links with performance of vehicles ¨Low sulphur” fuels Additives in fuels Issue of biofuels and air quality Off-road sector emission (tractors and alike) emissions
TS and possible measures 11 Reduction of air pollution from existing vehicles Improved requirements and enforcement for inspection and maintenance Scrapping schemes Retrofitting for HDV Guidance on traffic restriction to meet AQ objectives
TS and possible measures 12 Further reduction of air emission from shipping Already in proposal from CION to reduce sulphur emissions in certain sea areas (S in fuel) Possibility to include in revised NEC directive Regulate NOx emission from EU flagged ships Action to reduce emissions in harbors Market-based instruments to reduce emissions
TS and possible measures 13 Reduction of emission from aviation through charges Recent study by EMEP show that the emissions in Non-LTO (Landing and take-off) contribute to ground level ozone. Economic instruments such as air port charges and inflight charging, to ensure fair competition
TS and possible measures 14 Reduction of emission from road transport Eurovignette Infrastructure charging to avoid environmental impact and congestion and to internalise externalities Charging to be extended to include all roads, also in urban areas, in order to achieve AQ objectives
TS and possible measures Points for discussions Any comments on the measures to be considered? What policies should be considered in addition? What is your view on Community action and subsidiarity? How should that be considered in the TS?
Overview Issues Measures Environmental issue/ Measure Health effects (PM, ozone, NO2, VOCs, SO2) Acidification (SO2, NOx, NH3) Tropospheric ozone (NOx, VOCs) Eutro-phication (NOx, NH3) 1. Simplification and streamlining reporting obligations x 2. Revision of air quality directives, limit values and monitoring requirements and reporting ++ + 3. Revision of National Emissions Ceilings Directive 4. Review of the Large Combustion Plant directive 5. Reduction of air pollution from small combustion installations 6. Further reductions of emissions of VOCs from refuelling operations at service stations (“Stage II”) 7. Reduction of ammonia emissions as part of agricultural reform 8. Reduction of air pollution from new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles 9. Reduction of air pollution from new heavy duty vehicles 10. Review of directive on quality of petrol and diesel fuels (98/70/EC) 11. Reduction of air pollution from existing vehicles 12. Further reduction of atmospheric emissions from ships 13. Reduction of atmospheric emissions from aviation through environmentally-related charges 14. Reducing air pollution with infrastructure charging from road transport