Compliment everybody who you live with. Create a fun handshake you can do with a friend. Lie in the grass with your eyes closed and listen to nature. Play a board game. Read in your pyjamas. Read to a grown up. Compliment everybody who you live with. Draw a picture and turn it into a puzzle. Make up a dance routine to your favourite song. Start a sketch book and fill it with observational drawings. Build a den. Write your own story. Read in the dark with a torch. Read a non - fiction book. Try 5 new foods! Learn how to say hello in different languages. Cook a dessert dish with an adult. Read in an unusual (safe) place. Cook a savoury dish with an adult. Go on a mini beast hunt!
Compliment everybody who you live with. Create a fun handshake you can do with a friend. Lie in the grass with your eyes closed and listen to nature. Play a board game. Read in your pyjamas. Read to a grown up. Compliment everybody who you live with. Draw a picture and turn it into a puzzle. Make up a dance routine to your favourite song. Start a sketch book and fill it with observational drawings. Build a den. Write your own story. Read in the dark with a torch. Read a non - fiction book. Try 5 new foods! Learn how to say hello in different languages. Cook a dessert dish with an adult. Read in an unusual (safe) place. Cook a savoury dish with an adult. Go on a mini beast hunt!