JCMS Expectations A Guide for students
JCMS Behavior Management Plan JCMS Goals Build positive relationships with all students Effectively supervise students throughout the day Teach students behavioral expectations Intervene when misbehavior occurs
JCMS Behavior Management Plan 3 levels of behavior Level 1 behaviors Corrected immediately by staff. No incident referral generated Optional documentation by staff member using Behavior Improvement Form and Family Contact Form
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Examples of Level I Behaviors: Out of seat without permission. Public displays of affection. Disrespect/Rudeness – arguing, raising voice, rolling eyes, sarcastic remarks, negative tone Academic Misconduct 1: copying another students homework/daily work or sharing answers when not allowed by the teacher Unauthorized use of technology: accessing websites or software not authorized by staff
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Examples of Level I Behaviors: Inappropriate/Foul Language: not in anger, not directed at a victim or target, not intended to disrupt Improper use of equipment: using school equipment in an unauthorized manner Disruptive behavior: blurting/talking out of turn – includes tapping, pestering, rudeness, noises, throwing things. Not bringing materials: lacking paper, pencil, agenda, class book (may not escalate to other levels) Student passively refusing to comply (do work/take notes): does not escalate to other levels
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Examples of Level I Behaviors: Off task: engaged in activity not class related, does not escalate to other levels Wearing ear buds/head phones: allowed before and after school (one ear in, one ear out) Wandering halls: repeatedly seen in the halls during instruction time, repeatedly seen on wrong floor to use the restroom
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Level 2 Behaviors: Corrected immediately by adult Family contact required Student completes Behavior Improvement Form Staff completes Behavior Incident Report Form – Level 2 Impacts qualification for Renaissance Incentives
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Examples of Level 2 Behaviors: Repeated Level 1 Behavior Public displays of affection: repeated Physical Contact/Safety: arising from horseplay, aggressive behavior, student safety a concern, student-to-student physical contact made, property damage Academic Misconduct 2: cheating on daily work/homework (second offense). Cheating on test or major assignment Unauthorized use of technology: repeated Inappropriate/Foul Language: student routinely uses inappropriate language during class time. Though not directed toward staff or students, student disrupts the learning process.
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Examples of Level 2 Behaviors: Throws material at someone or across room with intent to harm or in an aggressive manner to distract the class Walks out of classroom: leaves the academic area without permission Failure to follow a reasonable request Vandalism/defacement of property
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Level 3 Behaviors Staff completes Behavior Incident Report Form Requires Administrative Action
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Examples of Level 3 Behaviors: Fighting Academic Misconduct 3: Repeat offense Inappropriate use of technology: sexting Inappropriate/Foul language: directed at another student, spoken in anger or derogatory tone, causes a disruption, cursing at a staff member Acting to incite/verbal escalation to fight Sexual Harassment: unwanted and unwelcome behavior Major disruption to room: intentional behavior that hinders students’ learning and teacher’s ability to maintain classroom management
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Examples of Level 3 Behaviors: Gang related/symbolism: any universally known signs or symbolism Behaviors that are related to illegal activity: alcohol use/possession, drug possession/influence, weapon-gun/explosive/arson, tobacco use Gross behavior: extortion, gambling, exploding of fireworks, causing a false fire alarm, false reporting, shooting projectiles at others, tobacco possession, verbal attacks/gestures toward staff/others, possession of knife/blades, intimidation/threats
JCMS Behavior Management Plan- Tips for Students Follow guidelines and directions provided by staff LAPS: Listen and Look, Acknowledge, Perform the action, Seek assistance if needed Help your friends/peers by reminding them of expectations as needed Ask an adult if you aren’t sure of the expectations Interact positively with staff and your peers Acknowledge others – smile, nod, wave, say “good morning/afternoon” or “hello” Compliment others – on their actions, their hard work, or just a cute shirt they are wearing Include others – if someone looks left out or lost, help them out by including them If you make a mistake, take ownership of your actions and commit to making improvements in the future. Ask an adult for help
JCMS Behavior Management Plan Ask your teacher some questions about this information, email Mrs. Oentrich with any questions they do not know the answer to.