Outline 1.Man's PURPOSE 2.Man's SEPARATION 3.Man's PENALTY 4.Man's NEED 5.Man's REMEDY
Man's PURPOSE We were created in Gods image (Gen 1:26-27) We once had open fellowship with God (Gen 2:7-25)
Man's SEPARATION Because our first father Adam sinned all of humanity was separated both physically (Gen 3:1-19) And spiritually from the holy and righteous God who created us (Isa 59:1-3)
Man's PENALTY Since humanity has been separated from God because of sin, the penalty to atone for sin is the shedding of blood and death (Lev 1:3-4, 17:11)
Man's NEED God to save him (Hosea 13:4, Daniel 6:25-27, Isaiah 43:11-13, Jeremiah 23:3-6)
Man's REMEDY Jesus Christ eternally existed as God (John 1:1) Jesus Christ became a man (John 1:14) Jesus Christ lived a perfect life according to Gods law (Heb 7:26) Jesus Christ shed his blood while dying in the place of sinners (Romans 5:10, Mark 10:45, and 1 Peter 2:24)
Man's REMEDY Jesus Christ was buried in a tomb for three days (Matt 27:57-66) Jesus Christ on the third day rose from the grave (Matt 28:1-8) Jesus Christ calls all people to repent of their sins and trust in him in order to be reconciled to God and receive eternal life (John 3:16)
Conclusion Jesus restores mans PURPOSE (Matthew 28:19) Jesus mends mans SEPARATION (2 Corinthians 3:12-18) Jesus pays mans PENALTY (Romans 3:23-26) Jesus fulfills mans NEED (Romans 3:23-26)