The Illustrated Man By: Ray Bradbury
Author Highlights Ray Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois on August 22, 1920 Bradbury's reputation as a leading science fiction writer occurred in 1950 with The Martian Chronicles.The Martian Chronicles The book describes man's attempt to colonize Mars
Dystopian Writer genres of literature that explore social and political structures Utopian fiction is the creation of an ideal world Dystopian fiction is the opposite: creation of a nightmare world nightmare
Dystopian writing in The Illustrated Man Bradbury is a dystopian writer He points out the troubles with technology Did you ever imagine that technology could be seen as a negative aspect of society? How does technology assist society? In what ways can technology be harmful?
Dystopian writing in The Illustrated Man Examines the world from a distance Negative point of view Very cautious upon mans ability to rely on modern conveniences
Historical Context 1950s- Whats happening in the world? Space Race United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a heated competition 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik. USA and Soviet Union both wanted to prove scientific superiority and to show their military strength.
Cold War The Cold War began after World War Two. The Space Race grew out of the Cold War Democratic vs. Communist society The main enemies were the United States and the Soviet Union.
Science in Schools Push for Science and Math Science fairs evolved Programs and course of studies centered around math and science Influx of Technology
Facts about this decade(1950) Population: 151,684,000 (U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census)* Unemployed: 3,288,000 Life expectancy: Women 71.1, men 65.6 Car Sales: 6,665,800 Average Salary: $2,992 Labor Force male/female: 5/2 Cost of a loaf of bread: $0.14 Bomb shelter plans, like the government pamphlet You Can Survive, become widely available
Decade at a Glance Transcontinental television begins with a speech by Pres. TrumanTranscontinental television Racial segregation is ruled unconstitutional in public schools by the U.S. Supreme Court Alaska and Hawaii become the forty- ninth and fiftieth states. Racial segregation is ruled unconstitutionalAlaskaHawaii
Welcome Television! During the 1950s, television became the dominant mass mediamass media In the early fifties, the number of hours young people watched TV steadily increasedwatched TV What was portrayed on television became accepted as normalaccepted as normal Less reliance on print and radio news
TV continued 1954, black and white broadcasts became color broadcastsblack and white broadcasts became color broadcasts Families no longer listened to radio and discussed world events Entertained not Engaged
Developments from TV Era TV Dinners TV Guides TV Trays New way of life
Shows of the time
Party Line Party line (also multiparty line or Shared Service Line) is an arrangement in which two or more customers are connected directly to the same local loop.local loop Prior to World War II in the United States, party lines were the primary way residential subscribers acquired local phone service
Life in a 360 Degree View The Velt- First story in The Illustrated Man Life is viewed in a 360* theater. Who has been to Disney?
The Plot of the Short Stories A young man meets an Illustrated Man, whose tattoos are filled with the power to tell stories and see the future. Despite the Illustrated Man's warnings, he looks at the tattoos, which tells him eighteen stories 1 st story The Velt
Science Fiction Not considered legitimate literature at the time Ray Bradbury first started publishing his books A setting in the future, in alternative timelines, or in a historical past that contradicts known facts of historyfuturealternative timelines Science fiction is largely based on writing rationally about alternate possibilities
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