CUSC “Alternate” Proposal process


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Presentation transcript:

CUSC “Alternate” Proposal process Ritchard Hewitt

UNC Alternative Modification Proposals (ASIS) Alternatives covered in Modification Rules section 6.4 and 7.2.3 Alternatives can be raised to Modification Proposals, Urgent Modifications and Development Modifications Alternative Modifications shall be raised within 5 Business Days – generally raised in the 5 days following a Modification being issued to consultation The alternative Modification and original Modification shall proceed through the Modification process together

Code Governance Review - Final Proposals SSC A11. Network Code and Uniform Network Code 10.b (i) the alternative is made during the workgroup stage of the consultation as described in the Code of Practice and as further specified in the uniform network code 10.b (ii) unless an extension of time has been approved by the Authority such workgroup stage will last for a maximum period (to be specified in the UNC*) from the date on which the original modification was proposed CoP Principle 7 – Code Administrators will facilitate alternative solutions to issues being developed to the same degree as an original solution Any User (other than the proposer) can raise an alternative Alternative proposals should be raised during the workgroup stage Each alternative will be assessed with the same rigour as the proposed solution * Maximum period specified in the UNC is 6 months

CUSC alternative process steps New proposal to the Panel If sent “Direct to Company Consultation” then no alternate proposals are allowed. If sent to “Development” in a Working Group then TOR are raised and development meetings arranged

Working Group steps Original Mod is “owned” by the proposer During development any one can raise a Working Group Alternative Amendment (WGAA) proposal which is then “owned” by the Working Group who develop the detail of all the proposals. Following development all the various mods are sent out to industry in a Working Group Consultation.

Working Group Consultation As part of this consultation process reps are received Reps can also request that the WG consider other issues / options. Note – no obligation on the WG to take on board the issues / options raised but…… WG may decide to raise a Working Group Consultation Alternative Request (WGCAR) proposal in response to the reps All mods are then subject to any further development by the WG

Working Group Report At end of development stage WG votes on what mods should be included in the report to the Panel – simple majority vote WG chair may overrule a “no vote” Report then sent to Panel with details of original proposal and any agreed alternates (WGAAs and WGARs)

Final consultation On receipt of WG report the Panel may either: Send back for further development Send out to Company Consultation If sent out to consultation then no further alternate mods can be raised If during consultation “new issues” are raised then Panel can send mod inc any alternates back to development.

Post 160 CUSC process