SOA Strategies for Enterprise X This are the challenges which faces the SOA strategies for the enterprise x.
Service Identification What is a service ? What is the business functionality to be provided by a given service? What is the optimal granularity of the services ? Identification of the services provided by the firm can be an issue at time where there is no clear plans by the management .This issue can be solved by service rationalization whereby clear evaluation is done. The other way of solving that issue is the service consolidation which is the redefinition of the firms services in a consolidated manner to meet the objectives.
Service Location Where should service be located within the enterprise? Business usually operate at the given specific resident in the record. This record is the location of the services to be provided by the organization. the challenge can be corrected by using the content based routing . It does not show where the given services is located , therefore the customers will not know the location.
Service Domain Definition How should services be grouped together into logical domains? The issue of simplifying the domains makes work easier by reducing the task to be done in a simplified form which can be addressed confidently by the SOA. Therefore functional domains are the challenges arising from the function of the business and the management can decide to change the way it operate. The is also another challenge based on technological domain which requires the firm to maintain the pace at which the changes in the market occurs. The last domain which brings the challenge is the application based domain which the firm sometimes fail to change to the existing changes thus remains with the old system .
Service Packaging How is existing functionality within legacy mainframe systems to be re-engineered or wrapped into reusable services? SOA enterprise needs to have all the service functionality of the firm so that they can avoid some challenges of not knowing what is suppose to be done in the provision of their services. The issues can be solved by defining the business area. This can be done by having the area map .They can also solve this issue by assigning people to the area so that the can study more about the region.
Services Orchestration How are composite services to be orchestrated? For the service to exist in a given area there must be at least few customers who wants the service. You cannot start the provision of the services without even knowing the customer availability. This challenge faces SOA many at times due to poor and rush analysis of the location. This can be overcome by having a well organized strategy and follow the procedural steps carefully.
Service Routing How are services requests from service consumers to be routed to the appropriate service or service domain? SOA needs to give the location openness to the services provided to the customers. The should also have intelligent services and the routers which will give support to the provision of their services to the consumers. By doing so they will build trust to their customers in the market and the challenge will be overcome.
Service Governance How will the enterprise exercise governance processes to administer and maintain services? The governing of the data within an organization is done the central governance which form s the committee which will look over the services provision so that the firm is said to be at full service and implemented.
Service Messaging Standards Adoption How will the enterprise adopt a given standard consistently? Messaging values particularly for vertical firms enforce standardization on a set of data elements and message formats. But under the individuals levels the standards are not fixed. They can change from one unit to the other within the organization.
Architectural Dimension of SOA Overview of a SOA Software services Business information Business operation Information storage lifecycle support & execution environment Technical operation & Development Infrastructure
SOA Logical Architecture Canonical data model Installable software Business process Canonical entity Business event Shared message data Application component Business event taxonomy Shared service interface Shared service
Service Oriented Application Web application Integration services Business Services Business services Data access services Data access services Data access services Databases
Enterprise Application Integration Enterprise Architecture Design Service oriented Architecture Data integration &interoperability Service roadmaps EAI Bespoke Development Unstructured information management architecture Web services
Product Delivery Teams Application Leaders Business Leaders Finance Strategy Customer service Product Manager Product Delivery Teams Sales Marketing