AFS Practitioner Training Treating Caretakeritis Copyright 2018, Applied Fitness Solutions
Caring for Others Societal Pressures/Norms Home Work School Friends Not a bad thing until it comes at the expense of your own self-care
Self-care Leads to BETTER Care of Others
Critical First Step Make yourself a priority Not selfish, it’s human Self-preservation Every health behavior change follows a path from the prioritization of self-care
Prioritizing Self-Care
How to use the Chart Find a quiet place to go for 30 minutes Brainstorm the chart contents before writing in the chart Complete the planning chart Be sure to plan in how you intend to communicate the prioritization of your self-care to others Using the “How to Reprioritize” column in the chart
Creating an Accountability Network Crucial step Social support is a significant key to long-term behavior change Helps change identity and shape environment The more people you ask the better Minimally: One person at home One person at work
Creating an Accountability Network
How to use the Chart Find a quiet place to go for 30 minutes Brainstorm the chart contents before writing in the chart Complete the planning chart Be sure to plan in WHEN you’re going to ask the people you identified in the chart to become a part of your accountability network Also be specific about what you’re going to ask them for in terms of accountability
3% Rule: Maximize Fitness & Minimize Time Courtesy of Applied Fitness Solutions Thank You Sawyer Paull-Baird, BS, CSCS, EP-C General Manager, AFS-Ann Arbor Applied Fitness Solutions