College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology Budget Reduction Plan 2017
2017 Budget Development Form
2017 Budget Development Form $99,709.31 $139,593.04 $179,476.76
Academic Programs * * * * Department of Agricultural Sciences Undergraduate Graduate Animal Science Animal Science Plant Science Biotechnology Ag Education Ag Economics Department of Engineering Technology Undergraduate Electronic Engineering Technology Ag Engineering Technology Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Family and Consumer Sciences Department of Veterinary Science & Public Health Veterinary Technology Master of Public Health * * *
Level 1 5% Reduction Plan 12-month teaching faculty 9-month Name Savings ($) Total 5 FTE = TOTAL SAVING $112,952.86 Required reduction (5%) = $99,709.31 Proposed reduction = $112,952.86
Impact of 5% Reduction Moderate * Could be seen by accreditation agencies as lack of institutional commitment to programs One of the affected departments requires year-round faculty involvement Departments may incur additional costs for summer teaching requirements in order to graduate students in a timely manner * *
Level 2 7% Reduction Plan Level 1 + Reduction in Operating Budget Department Budgeted Reduce to Savings($) Ag Sci 10,517.00 5,517.00 5,000.00 ET -EET 20,555.00 10,555.00 10,000.00 -AENT 2,100.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 Vet Sci & PH 6,306.00 5.306.00 1,000.00 FACS 19,794.00 9,794.00 10,000.00 TOTAL SAVING $27,000.00 Required reduction (7%) = $139,593.00 Proposed reduction = $112,952.86 + $27,000.00 = $139,952.86
Impact of 7% Reduction Severe * Departments will face severe constraints due to lack of adequate operating funds Faculty development Faculty scholarship Student Training Student Recruitment & Retention Potentially jeopardize accreditations Vet Tech (AVMA) EET (ABET) FACS (AAFCS) Ag Ed (NCATE) MPH (EHAC) *
Level 3 9% Reduction Plan * * * Level 2 + Move one Vet Tech to external grant * Vet Tech Salary = $30,000 + Fringe Move from E&G to APHIS Grant Total saving = $30,000 + $11,400 = $41,400 * * Required reduction (9%) = $179,476.76 Proposed reduction = $139,952.86 + $41,400.00 = $181,352.86
Impact of 9% Reduction Very Severe * The only AVMA accredited 4-year Vet Tech Program in Georgia Requires Program to maintain a minimum number of licensed veterinarians (faculty) and licensed veterinary technicians supported by the institution Cannot sustain positions with soft money Cannot meet regulatory requirements Potential loss of both AVMA accreditation and APHIS funding * * * *
One-Time Critical Needs Request Reallocation of Existing Funds Available balance of 2016 E&G Funds - $60,953.89 EET Accreditation Fee FACS Accreditation Fee Salary + Fringe for July 2016 for the 5 faculty placed on 9-mo (5% reduction plan is accepted contingent upon this requirement being met) Smart Board for Ag Sciences Fill vacant EET faculty position * *