Distance Ben Grossman Eric Bünzli
Definition Distance is the length of the path that an object moves . Distance is independent of time or velocity. The base unit is a meter.
Equations To calculate, the distances of each segment are added.
Distance and Displacement Displacement is the length of the gap between an objects initial position and its final position while distance is the total length of the path the object took regardless of final position. For an animated example, click here
Conceptual questions Give an example of an instance where the displacement and distance is the same. Give an example where distance is greater than displacement.
Example 1 An object moves north three units then west two units. Draw a diagram and determine the total distance traveled.
Solution Givens: 3 units north, 2 units west 3u+2u=5u
Example 2 An object moves north three units, west two units, south three units and then east two units. Draw a diagram and determine the total distance traveled.
Solution Givens: 3 units north, 2 units west, 3 units south, 2 units east 3u+2u=5u 5u*2=10u
Citations http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Adistance&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&client=firefox-a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance http://physics.info/displacement/ http://physics.info/displacement/desk-animated.html http://library.thinkquest.org/10796/ch2/ch2.htm Original notes [txt file, on disk drive only]