Principal Supervisors as System Engineers: Using Simple Tools & Principal Feedback to Sharpen Instructional Leadership in Schools Ana Arroyo, Principal, Parkwood Elementary School, School District U-46 Lisa Jackson, Coordinator of Assessment and Accountability, School District U-46 Ushma Shah, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools, Instruction and Equity, School District U-46 Presentation at the National Summit for Principal Supervisors Ft. Lauderdale, Florida April 26, 2018 Lisa
“You’re from where? “Elgin, it’s in Illinois.” Lisa 2nd largest school district in Illinois--Elgin and 10 surrounding communities 90 square miles 37 Miles from Wrigley Field, Home of the 2017 World Champion Chicago Cubs
Our Schools and Our Students Attendance rate 94% Graduation rate 86% Languages spoken in district homes 103 Low-income 58% English Learner 28% IEP/Special Needs 13% 54 Schools 2,489 Teachers 40 Elementary Schools (preK - 6) 2 Early Childhood Centers (preK) 8 Middle Schools (7-8) 5 Comprehensive High Schools (9- 12) 2 Alternative Secondary Programs Lisa
Demographics of Our District Students Lisa
Who is in the Room? Share with a partner/s in the next 4 minutes: What is your role/how many schools do you support? What is the demographic snapshot of your district? Why did you decide to attend this session? Lisa
Let’s sort the system! Take the components out of the bag Arrange them in a way that represents how these components might fit together in a system *You can use any surface around you, work independently, with a partner or with a group Lizza Introduce the activity and process what it looks like Walk around and see what is in the room
All - ask the group to share out how their configuration was different/similar to this one.
Elementary School Improvement Planning Ushma
Our Definition of an Ecosystem A Leadership Development Ecosystem offers an organizational network of opportunities for school leaders to interact and reflect with one another at the individual, group and system levels in order to grow their professional standards-based practices through structured, adaptive and job-embedded experiences that advance the strategic and instructional goals of the school system so that all students achieve. Ushma Individual reflection about how /does not connect with their own understanding of their role. We will come back a later in session.
Past Leadership Supports in U-46 Formal Evaluation Process 1-2 Supervisor Visits Summative Conference Elementary Principal Meeting Monthly Operational/ Instructional Meeting Focused Supports External Mentor for 1st Year Principals Ushma Point out that school visits were 1-2 a year and without goal focus Monthly meetings with a mix operational information and curriculum items
Current Leadership Development Ecosystem Formal Evaluation Process Goal-setting Conference Formal Observation 1 Formal Observation 2 Summative Conference Elementary Principal Meetings Instructional Leadership Meeting (*PLNs) (full day/monthly) Operational Excellence Meeting (2-hours after school/monthly) Coaching PD Meeting (monthly) Strategic Supervisor Supports 1st-year Principal Cohort 2nd-year Principal Cohort 3rd-year Principal Cohort AP Cohort 1st Yr Principal Weekly 1:1 Differentiated Leadership Development Representation on District-wide Committees/ Advisories/ Workgroups Local Professional Conferences Aligned to Goals Ushma
Toolkit Example: U-46 Elementary Principal Learning Networks Lisa
Hattie/ Title I/ SIP Template Toolkit Example: Hattie Effect Size/Title I /School Improvement Plan Template Hattie/ Title I/ SIP Template Lisa
Parkwood SIP Plan and Process Lizza to reference goals/process: Goal A - how the team discussed and decided on teacher collaboration/CORE Cycle as the methodology/tool and Goal C - Intent of Title I, Innovation proposal as the tool El proceso que el equipo que hacemos Highlight pieces Goal A Tool kit that makes our work goes faster Goal C: Using Title one Tool kits that makes our work with title one Nature of team and how we lead the process
Parkwood Theory of Action Self Awareness: If I invest in the four domains of teaching: planning and preparation, the classroom environment, instruction and professional responsibilities I will engage all students in learning and growth. Group Awareness: If we invest in collaborative work centered on student outcomes and instruction, then we will create a culture of shared responsibility and students will demonstrate proficiency in the standards. Lizza: Interpretation CORE Cycle TOOL kits Add links
Toolkit Example: U-46 CORE Cycle Method The Collaborative Cycle is embedded in the four domains of teaching: -Planning and Preparation -The Classroom Environment -Instruction -Professional Responsibilities Lizza
Toolkit Example: U-46 CORE Cycle Method Parkwood Core Cycle Lizza Share the process of how we came about through our data analysis of the Title 1 template
Innovation Proposal template Lizza Overview and what is the point of it and providing opportunity that site is creative and a sign off
Principal Supervisor Standards for Educational Leadership Standard 1. Principal Supervisors dedicate their time to helping principals grow as instructional leaders. Standard 2. Principal Supervisors coach and support individual principals and engage in effective professional learning. Standard 3. Principal Supervisors use evidence of principal’s effectiveness to determine necessary improvements in principal’s practice to foster a positive educational environment Standard 4. Principal Supervisors engaged principals in the formal district principal evaluation process in ways that help them grow as instructional leaders. Ushma
Principal Supervisor Standards for Effective Functioning of the District Standard 5. Principal Supervisors advocate for and inform the coherence of organizational vision, policies and strategies to support schools and student learning. Standard 6. Principal Supervisors assist the district in ensuring the community of schools with which they engage are culturally/socially responsive and have equitable access to resources necessary for the success of each student. Ushma
Principal Supervisor Standards for Capacity and Effectiveness Standard 7. Principal Supervisors engage in their own development and continuous improvement to help principals grow as instructional leaders. Standard 8. Principal Supervisors lead strategic change that continuously elevates the performance of schools and sustains high-quality educational programs and opportunities across the district. Ushma
Ask the group to think/pair/share around connections between ideas/systems/models shared here and their practice.
Your Questions/Group Discussion All
Let’s Keep in Touch Ana Arroyo Lisa Jackson Ushma Shah