Visit for more Learning Resources Filters A filter is basically a frequency selective circuit designed to pass specific band of frequencies and block or attenuate input signals outside this band Visit for more Learning Resources
Classification of filters Depending on signal nature: 1. Analog filter. 2. Digital filter. Depending on components: 1. active filter. 2. Passive filter. Depending on frequencies: 1. low pass filter 2.high pass filter pass filter. stop. 5. All pass filter
Ideal Filter Response Curves
Actual freq.response
RC Low Pass Filter Circuit
Frequency Response of a 1st-order Low Pass Filter
Applications Applications of passive Low Pass Filters are in audio amplifiers and speaker systems to direct the lower frequency bass signals to the larger bass speakers. To reduce any high frequency noise or “hiss” type distortion.
Terms related to filters 1.Cut-off frequency- it is the frequency at which signal strength drops 3dB(i.e. signal power becomes half.) 2. Pass band-The range of frequency which is permitted to pass. 3.Stop band- The range of frequency which is (not permitted)attenuated to pass.
Cont…. 4.Roll off rate-The gain of filter falls rapidly in the stop band. The rate at which gain falls off is called the roll off rate.
Contd… 5.Center frequency- the center frequency of a filter or channel is a measure of a central frequency between the upper and lower cutoff frequencies.OR geometric mean of lower and higher frequencies.
6.Band width-It is the difference between the two cut-off frequencies. Contd… 6.Band width-It is the difference between the two cut-off frequencies. 7. Q(quality) factor-it is the ratio of center frequency to bandwidth of filter. Q=fc/B.W.
Contd… 8. Order of filters-The filter characteristics is given by order of filter i.e. no.of poles. Filter order Roll of rate 1 20 dB/decade 2 3 40 dB/decade 60 dB/decade
Passive Filter vs Active Filter R,C or L,C components are used Gain less than 1. Isolation between input and output absent. Source loading can take place. Frequency response is not sharp. RC,LC and OP-amp are used. Gain greater than 1. Isolation between input and output present. Source loading can not take place. Frequency response is sharp
Second-order Low Pass Filter
First Order Active Low Pass Filter
Frequency Response Curve
Normalised Low Pass Frequency Response
First Order Active Low Pass Filter
Second Order Low Pass Filter
Second Order High Pass Filter Graphs from Prentice Hall
Second Order High Pass Filter For more detail contact us