Man Is Soul, Body, and Spirit Gen. 1:26-27 in the image of God God created man in His image Gen. 2:7 made the body from the ground and gave the breath of life (is a soul) Luke 24:37-43 it is I Myself (not a spirit) Matt. 10:28 soul and body in Gehenna 1 Thess. 5:23 spirit, soul, and body preserved
Mans Participation in the Spiritual Realm Ephesians 6:10-20 spiritual war is real Our actions in the physical realm have a spiritual impact 1 Timothy 4:4:1-5 The body is a temple 1 Cor. 6:19-20 Food must be sanctified Sanctified by Gods word + our thanks
Mans Participation in the Spiritual Realm in Marriage Gen. 2:18-24 all Gods action to join Adam and Eve together Application is mans action for every marriage afterward v. 24 Commitment by both parties -public vows Sexual union 1 Cor. 6:16 Public recognition of husband & wife God still does the joining! Matt. 19:3-6
Mans Participation in the Spiritual Realm in Conversion Colossians 2:11-13 We believe God will cut off our sins from our heart when we are buried with Christ in baptism Our faith raises us We must be buried before we can be raised Sins removed when we call on the name of the Lord in baptism Acts 22:16