Education Working Group
Action Plan Strategy 1 Increase awareness and availability of information, resources and tools to improve older road user safety and mobility.
Action Plan Strategies Updates Develop and market web and print resources that identify available older road user resources, tools, information, research and best practices available in Ohio and nationally.
Action Plan Strategies Updates 2. Develop and conduct statewide educational campaigns that address issues and concerns of older road users, caregivers, family members, law enforcement and other audiences, i.e., impact of aging on safe driving, warning signs, driver impairment, etc.
Action Plan Strategies Updates Identify partners and conduct one-day special events throughout the state to educate older road users about staying safe and mobile.
Looking Back on 2018 Stay Fit to Drive resources AARP Smart Driver TEK pop up Car Fit demonstrations New car safety features demonstrations Driving assessments We kicked off the campaign at the Ohio State Fair this year. These events will be interactive and include …
Looking Back on 2018 Stay Fit to Drive Resource Booklets Distributed 9,000 Another 4,000 printed and ready to distribute
Looking Back on 2018 Ohio State Fair Display Partner with AAA, AARP CarFit option
Looking Back on 2018 Local events in areas with high # of older road user crashes Lorain County Fair, August
Stay Fit to Drive — Other Resources Partner Courses – Car Fit, AAA, AARP Safe Driving Checklist
Looking Ahead in 2019 Car Fit Events Training
Looking Ahead in 2019 State Fair – Senior Day Local events Materials Update class list
Looking Ahead in 2019 What else? Continue implementing Strategy 1 Ad buy in senior print outlets PR outreach
Looking Ahead in 2019 What else? Begin implementing parts of Strategy 2? Improve public policy to increase older road user safety and mobility