SAON CON Financial Plan Work Plan project External Project or Organisation External Project or Organisation SAON CON Work Plan project SAON CON Work Plan project SAON CON joint activities External Project or Organisation SAON CON Work Plan project SAON CON Work Plan project External Project or Organisation SAON CON Work Plan project
SAON CON Financial Plan: Content Background (SAON CON Structure and functions, Work Plan) SAON CON Alignment with SAON Strategy and Implementation Plan -Goal 1, Goal 2, Goal 3 (mapping etc) Potential funding models, time aspects, legal entity questions etc etc. CON Joint Activities -Meetings, Forums, SAON Secretariat Support - National, international and in-kind contributions SAON CON Work Plan Projects National Contributions and support, In-kind Contributions, International Funding bodies and Consortia, Collaboration/contributions with other ADC, other projects and organisations