Sharing in Christ’s Glory Scripture Reading: John 17:1-5, 22-24
In John 17, Christ’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, the word “glory” is associated with Christ in two ways. Last week we examined the glorification of our bodies in 1 Corinthians 1:43, “…sown in dishonor, raised in glory…” Introduction
The Meaning of “Glory” Eternal/ without derivation Used 171 in the NT “Glory” = an opinion based on knowledge and truth God’s glory (opinion) of Himself Eternal/ without derivation Self-knowledge True; absolutely accurate God’s glory (opinion) of all things His opinion of all things is based on The Decree These opinions are therefore developed The Meaning of “Glory”
Christ’s Inherent Glory Christ’s eternal glory that He possessed as God the Son, before his incarnation John 17:5 Phil 2:6-7
Christ’s Acquired Glory The glory (opinion) that God the Father held concerning God the Son’s obedience to a certain part of The Decree, i.e., taking on a human body and nature and willingly dying on a cross for the sins of the world John 17:22,24 cf Heb 12:2
Christ’s Acquired Glory This glory (opinion) involves: Being given all authority over all things Matt 28:18; Eph 1:22 Reigning as King over the Earth until all enemies are put under His feet I Cor 15:25-26 Then act as judge over fallen angels and men Rev 20:11-15; Matt 8:29
Our Sharing in Christ’s Acquired Glory I Jn 3:2 Bodily glory I Thess 4:8 Continued close presence with Christ Rev 4:9,11 Verbally assenting to Christ’s glory Our Sharing in Christ’s Acquired Glory
Our Sharing in Christ’s Acquired Glory Verbally assenting to Christ’s glory – Rev 4:9,11 His glory because of all things; all things WILL glorify Christ (cf Rom 11:36) The honor = the eternal value of all that is glorified The power = the complete exercise of all His authority (Matt 28:19) Reigning with Christ of the millennial Earth II Tim 2:12; Rev 5:10
When Christ is manifested (made known), then we hall be manifested WITH Him in glory (His acquired glory) Col 3:4 “When Christ, who is our Life, shall appear, then shall you also appear with Him in Glory” Conclusion