Practitioners Course Level 2 Diploma in Ayurveda Practitioners Course Level 2 Medicine class 07th March 2019
Different fats and oils used in Ayurveda Grita- ghee- cow’s ghee, buffalo’s ghee, goat’s ghee, camel’s ghee, sheep’s ghee, woman’s ghee, Mare’s ghee Taila - plant based oils-Sesame oil, Coconut oil, Caster oil, Mustard oil Vasa- animal fat Majja – bone marrow
Medicated oils and medicated fatty preparations Oils prepared with various base oils and or ghee with decoctions and pastes Main ingredients- in the form of juice or decoction Oils/ milk/ rice water Paste of powders Medicated ghee juices and or decoctions ghee Special ghee preparations- purified and fortified ghee
Contd.. Generally the proportion should be - liquids 4 : oil/ ghee 1 If milk is added- liquids 3: ghee 1: milk 1 Preparation should not be completed in 1 day. It can vary 2 days to 7 days There are 3 different cooking stages based on the nature of the kalka (paste) Mridu paaka - nasya Madyama paaka - paana and vasti khara paaka - abyanga (external applications) Fragrances can be added once the oil is filtered
Mridu paaka- when some kalka put to fire- produce burning sound sticky paste Madyama paaka – no burning sound produced paste is not sticky and can be made into rolls when rubbed between fingers Khara paaka the paste can’t be rolled without breaking
Medicated oils Ashwagandha oil Kumari oil Mahanarayana oil Neelyadi oil Pinda oil Sarshapadi oil Tripala oil Sarvavishadi oil
Ashwagandha oil Root of ashwagandha, bebila- main ingredients 16 other ingredients including ashwagandha, bebila, red sandal wood, vetiveria, liquorice, shatawari, cedar wood, manjishta Sesame oil Cows milk, rice water Long term use can increase vata Pacify pitta
Indications : Muscle wasting and weakness Sexual dysfunctions All kinds of lung disorders Weight loss Contraindications : Very dry skin Skin inflammations Skin disorders
Kumari oil Fresh juice of three herbs including aloe, rasakinda (guduchi/giloy- Tinospora cordifolia)and kowakka (Ivy gourd- Coccinia grandis) Sesame oil and cows milk 11 other ingredients in kalka including water lily tubers, white sandal wood, vetiveria, manjishta, trikatu Mrudu paka
Indications Good for nasya and external application Insomnia Pitta related mental disorders Eye disorders due to pitta imbalance Pitta related headaches- migraines Contraindications (for head) Kapha constitutions Kapha imbalances
Mahanarayana oil Main ingredients- bala and dasha mul Decoction of 77 ingredients 63 ingredients of kalka Sesame oil Indications all kinds of vata disorders- paralysis, facial paralysis MS, sciatica menstrual pains, pain and discomforts in vagina
Neelyadi oil Fresh juice of 5 ingredients- madatiya (red lucky seed tree- Adenanthera pavonina), ankenda (Claw flowered laurel - Acronychia pedunculata), nil awariya (indigo blue-Indigofera tinctoria), diya habarala, wel keppetiya Kalka of 11 ingredients Coconut milk and coconut oil Internal and external use (pana and abyanga)
Indications Bleeding disorders- per rectum, per vagina Skin disorders Given to pregnant mother to prevent skin disorders in baby Piles, fissures and fistula Pitta related headaches, burning sensation of head and eyes, insomnia Fractures, dislocations, sprains Contraindications Kapha constitutions Kapha imbalance
Pinda oil No decoction or juice Kalka of 4 ingredients including manjishta, vetiveria, liquorice and hal dummala (Vateria copallifera) Sesame oil, bees wax Powder of the ingredients are mixed with oil, strain next day. Bees wax is mixed last highly used in cosmetics- lip balms, moisturizers, hand cream, eye shadow treats skin disorders anti-bacterial effect
Bees wax in Ayurveda Synonyms- madhuchishta, sikta, madana, madhu shesha, madhushith Qualities - mridu (soft), snigdha (unctuous) Therapeutic uses vrana shodhana -cleansing the wound vranaropana -healing the wound Bhagna sandhanakrit - The substance used for treating fractures by its binding capacity Vataraktahara – disorders related to vata and rakta Kushta hara –cures skin disease Visarpahara -cures disease like herpes
Prepare without heating, cook in sun light Sarshapadi oil 3 ingredients- mustered oil camphor turpentine Prepare without heating, cook in sun light Pacify kapha and vata, increase pitta
Indications : Reduce swelling due to water retention Relieves pain Sprains and cramps Asthma Contraindications: Skin damages and inflammations Long term use for vata disorders Burns and skin disorders
Decoction of 10 ingredients Tripala oil Decoction of 10 ingredients Kalka of 20 ingredients including tripala, turmeric, mustard, sweet flag, ginger Sesame oil Used for internal use, external applications, enema, nasya, mouth wash Pacifies tridosha
Used for internal and external use (nasya, pana, abyanga) Sarvavishadi oil Fresh (leaf and bark) juice of 29 herbs including moringa, neem, shatawari, cinnamon, caster, ginger Five basic oils- sesame, caster, mee (Maduca longifolia), neem oil and ghee Coconut milk Powder of 19 ingredients including cumins, red and white sandal wood, tripala, trikatu, garlic, asafoetida Used for internal and external use (nasya, pana, abyanga)
Properties of ghee Rasa : Madhura Guna : Guru, Snigdha, Mirdu Veerya : Sita Vipaka : Madhura Karma : Agnideepana,rucya, Ayushya, Balya, Cakshushya Hidya Kaantiprada,tvacya, Medhya rasayana, Ojovardhaka vata pitta shamaka, Shleshmavardhaka Snehana, Shukravardhaka Vayaasthapna, Vishahara, Virsya
Brahmi grita- internal use Triphala grita- internal and external use Medicated ghee Brahmi grita- internal use Triphala grita- internal and external use Phala grita, phala kalyana grita Chagaladi grita Varnaka grita- external use only
Juice of brahmi (Bacopa monerii)- main ingredient Brahmi grita Juice of brahmi (Bacopa monerii)- main ingredient kalka- brahmi, vacha (sweet flag), kushta, shanka pushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) Indications: vata disorders like epilepsy anxiety
Shanka pushpi - Convolvulus pluricaulis Looks like common morning glory Pacify tridosha Effective on central nervous system, specially as a memory booster and helps in improving intellect Also used in chronic cough, sleeplessness, epilepsy, hallucinations, and anxiety Being a liver cleanser it is used for for liver diseases, cytotoxic and viral diseases
Phala grita and phala kalyana grita For all kinds of female disorders Both the preparations contain fresh juice of shatawari Milk is included Ghee should be made from milk obtained from a cow that has a live cub
Purified and fortified ghee preparation Shata dhauta grita- 100 times washed ghee After washing it becomes a white/ light yellow, odorless, tasteless, non oily homogenous mixture The best moisturizer mentioned in Ayurveda and helps wrinkles Burns and irritations (Herpes zoster- shingle) Removes scars Skin disorders Reduces Pitta skin disorders -inflammation ,allergies ,eczema,rosacea, psoriasis Relieves nappy rash- safe for babies