8X 02-29-2016 Monday The United States and Latin America Objective: Evaluate the growing U.S. involvement in the world. Agenda: Do Now: Copy and define Key Terms and People from page 704 (Ch 22.3) Go over Do Now Continue video and notes Discuss video and notes Page 709: 2B and 3 All
The Presidents 1885-1913 Segment on McKinley and T Roosevelt Start at 14:30
Exit Ticket Question Answer the following in your video notes before you turn it in. Explain the worst part of Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency. Explain the best part of his presidency. Turn it in when you are done. Then work on: Page 709 #2b and 3 All (A and B)
The Century America’s Time: Shell Shock Part 1 https://youtu.be/hxZMwv5vqAc?list=PLC8D9DC28C3EC5223 Part 2 https://youtu.be/MxV9aXA9EJM Part 3 https://youtu.be/PqVD00bonxc?list=PLC8D9DC28C3EC5223