Fictional Unit Plot, Foreshadow & Conflict Notes
Fiction Works of prose that have imaginary elements Meant to entertain Two major types of fiction Novels--a long, often complex work Short Stories--much shorter than a novel and can often be read in one sitting
Plot The sequence of events in a story Map of what happens, when it happens, and to whom it happens Almost always built around conflicts--problems or struggles between opposing forces Comprised of 5 parts--exposition, rising action, climax, falling action & resolution/ dénouement
Dénouement/ Resolution Plot Map/Diagram Gives a visual representation of the events in the story. Climax Dénouement/ Resolution Falling Action Rising Action Exposition
Exposition Introduces characters and setting Supplies background Sets the tone of the story
Rising Action Introduces complications Builds suspense This is where the plot thickens “Juicy Stuff” happens at this point
Climax The turning point of the story Is the moment when suspense reaches its peak Results in change for the main character Sometimes occurs at the end of the story, without being followed by falling action (Tarantino movies)
Falling Action Occurs directly after the climax Resolves all conflicts Ties up loose ends Leads up to the end
Resolution/ Dénouement THE END Nothing else happens after this, there is no more plot
Checkup How many parts are there to a plot? What happens in a climax? What does dénouement mean?
A struggle or class between opposing characters, forces or emotions Five types of conflict Man v. Man Man v. Nature Man v. Self Man v. Supernatural Man v. Society
Man v. Man Character competes against another character mentally or physically Conflict most likely occurs between protagonist and antagonist Protagonist: “good guy” in the story Antagonist: “bad guy” in the story
Man v. Nature Characters are competing against forces of nature that are out of their control Ex. Behr Grills Man v. Wild or movies where people face against deadly viruses
Man v. Self Character has an internal struggle within themselves Involves and emotional journey through the course of the story Usually involves change in some way
Man v. Supernatural The main character competes or comes up against something “out of this world” God can be included in this category
Man v. Society Character comes up against/competes with society as a whole Character may be struggling to conform to society’s norms Character may also believe he/she is being judged by other members of society
The use of clues to hint at what will happen later in the story Ex. “’The old charts call it Ship-Trap Island,’ Whitney replied. ‘A suggestive name isn’t it? Sailors have a curious dread of the place.’” (Most Dangerous Game)
Descriptive words or phrases that tell when and where the story takes place Can include: Time of year Specific date Season City Country Inside/Outside Historical time period
Checkup How many types of conflict are there? Identify the part of the plot where Rainsford decides to play Zaroff’s game? Assuming Zaroff knew Rainsford was in the tree hiding and let him go, what part of the plot is that? Who is our protagonist? Who is the antagonist?