Research paper Your final draft Due 3/29
Title Page This is the first page of your paper. Follow this link to create your title page: Do not worry about a subtitle Your title should NOT be “Research Paper” or “Marginalization Paper” It SHOULD be creative and pertain to your specific topic and what you are arguing The institution is Hillgrove High School
Some mechanical stuff NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS As a professor once told me, “No one cares about your opinion!” Which is true! I’m not a published author, so why should they? Always, always, always give credit if you quote someone Never, ever, ever say “I believe that” or “We should care because” NO CONTRACTIONS I don’t know who made this rule, but we’re going to follow it. You should not have contractions in a formal paper. Remember! This is a formal paper. Do not write the way you talk. Use formal language.
Your thesis We worked on these together! It needs to say, “These people are marginalized by these people because they whatever whatever.”
Your evidence… …should be DIRECT quotes from the sources you found for your annotated bibliographies. You state your claim and you find evidence from your sources that backs you up. Quote it and CITE IT!! Joe Smith writes, “blah blah blah” (“blah blah blah”, 2018). Your lead-in, quote, and citation should all be one sentence. Don’t split the lead-in and the quote up.
Your interpretation Should be 2+ sentences Don’t sum up your quote. I can read. I know what it says. Instead, analyze it. Why did you choose that quote? What does it have to do with anything? How does it connect back to your claim, and ultimately, how does it connect back to your thesis?
Your Reference page Go to your noodletools and export your references from your Sources tab. (just like you did with your Annotated Bib) Make sure(!!!!!!!!!!!) you take out your annotations. You no longer need those.
Make sure… …every single word (from the title page to the References page) is in 12 pt TNR double-spaced font. This means that if you copy and paste a quote from a source and it changes the font you need to change it!
Save yourself from losing points for stupid crap. PLEASE!!!! Look at the “From Good to Great” checklist you got when you got this assignment. Save yourself from losing points for stupid crap.
Banned phrases include… This proves that, “… The author is saying that, “… What this means is, “… I agree that….
Make sure you’re not vague Avoid vague pronouns So, if you are talking about someone in a quote or the author of a quote, reference them by his or her last name Instead of saying “the author” use their last name Instead of saying, “The article says,…” make sure you use the title of the article
Our schedule We are in the lab today Rough drafts are due tomorrow! These should be printed when you get to class. I will not allow anyone to go to the Media center to print. We will peer edit on Thursday Final drafts are due Friday I WILL NOT accept any late papers whatsoever!