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Did FDR save the United States? Effects of the New Deal Did FDR save the United States? In pods, you will be researching the effects of the New Deal on different minority groups: Women, African Americans, and Native Americans You can divide the work among your group as you wish! Have a list of effects for all three minority groups.
Effects of New Deal for Women
Eleanor Roosevelt We have talked about her! Forever changed the First Lady position Helped with FDR’s campaign Empowered women All female press corps Advocate for African Americans
Frances Perkins 1st female cabinet member: Secretary of Labor Helped design the Fair Labor Standards Act Ended child labor and established a minimum wage
Effects of New Deal for Women Summary Established a voice and some freedoms and influence for women Did not create complete gender equality Many policies of the New Deal were specifically designed to help men first or primarily
Effect of New Deal for African-Americans
Struggle was REAL African-Americans- first to be laid off The unemployment rate almost 50% double the national unemployment rate
Black Cabinet Group of influential African-Americans that advised FDR on social issues and injustices. Robert Weaver: Harvard grad; Department of Interior; later a Federal Judge;1st African-American Cabinet member (Secretary of Interior) in 1960s William Hastle: Harvard grad; Mary McLeod Bethune: Founder of Bethune Cookman College; Advised on racial equality
Impact of New Deal for African-Americans FDR supported civil rights, but did not support civil rights policy recommendations from the NAACP feared that southern Democrats would block every piece of legislation in the New Deal in retaliation Eleanor Roosevelt is seen around the US advocating for African Americans rights Racial inequity continued and injustices remained.
Effect of New Deal for Native Americans
Native American Struggle Much of the land given by Dawes Act became worthless (Dust Bowl) The Dawes Act reduced tribal lands to smaller individual plots that were sold off over time Indian Reorganization Act (1934): gave tribal control over remaining Native lands
New Deal for Native Americans New Deal policies helped Native Americans in land, economics, and creating modern tribal governments. Indian CCC Some New Deal policies were not welcomed such as: Navajo Livestock Reduction Act forced Navajo to reduce or kill sheep Gov’t suspected the sheep were contributing to the Dust Bowl (Grazing the land)
New Deal Coalition Southern Whites, Northern Blue-Collar with immigrant roots, poor Midwestern farmers, and African-Americans Changed voting patterns African-Americans from Republican (Lincoln) to Democrat (FDR) Helped with social and ethnic differences CCC made jobs more diverse forcing people to work together WPA employed unskilled workers on public works projects
Welfare State New Deal had many programs to aid civilians in many areas Government aid to civilians had never been provided for Changed political and social relationship of Government and the People Changed Government responsibility to the People
Are there still New Deal programs around today? Using your phone or chromebook in your pods, research New Deal programs that we have today Find at least 4 and be ready to share what that program does today
New Deal programs that are still around! Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): established by Glass-Stegall Act; insures money in banks Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae): Helps finance mortgages for poor National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): Enforces/Protects employee rights Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): 1st chair was Joseph Kennedy (father of JFK); ensures investors/investments are protected Social Security Administration: provides retirement for labor force Soil Conservation Services (SCS): Now is Natural Resource Conservation Service; establish nurseries, flood control, soil erosion prevention etc. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): Services 7 states; flood control, hydroelectric power, developed fertilizers, restored forests and wildlife, provides power to region today.
What is the legacy of the New Deal? What is FDR’s legacy? Are these legacy’s positive or negative?
Exit Ticket Do you think the New Deal was an equal deal for all American citizens? Give examples from todays notes to defend why or why not. Be ready to share!