The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31
Introduction-1 Often called a parable Though Jesus didnt identify it as such Clearly contains symbolic language Same truths are taught whether it is a parable or not Jesus had warned the Pharisees about covetousness- Lk. 12:15 Here he warned them about trying to serve two masters- V13
Introduction-2 They derided Jesus for this teaching Because they were covetous themselves They looked on wealth as a sign of Divine favor and approval and poverty as a curse for sin Jesus told this story to show them the folly of covetousness We live in a prosperous land in prosperous times We need to learn and remember the lessons Jesus taught in this story
The Rich Man-1 He is sometimes called Dives, which means rich He was a Jew like those whom Jesus taught Evidences of his wealth 1.Dressed in the best clothes like royalty 2.He faired sumptuously every day Such wealth suggests other things that he may have had 1.Fine house 2.Many servants
The Rich Man-2 3. Associates to share his bounty if he wanted them The rich man is not censored for his great possessions Abraham, Job and others were wealthy righteous men Nor was he a liar, an adulterer, a thief or a murderer No sin of commission at all is charged against him Yet like all men he was a sinner- Rom. 3:23 Yet he appears to have had no concern about his spiritual condition
Lazarus A name which means one whom God is a help He was a beggar who depended on others for his survival He was full of sores which the dogs came and licked He was placed at the gate of the rich man Because he could not get there on his own So that the rich man would help him Lazarus desired only the rich mans crumbs But he evidently didnt receive even those
The Reversal of their Conditions- 1 Death brought a reversal in the condition of these two men Lazarus was carried by angels to a place of relief, rest and comfort called Abrahams bosom-Heb. 1:14 He was not there because he was poor But because he had kept Gods law He had not envied the rich man nor complained when he gave him nothing The rich man died and was buried
The Reversal of their Conditions-2 The rich man left all his wealth and advantages behind- I Tim. 6:7 He found himself in a place of torment One part of Hades (unseen realm) He was not there because of his wealth But because he had failed to use it to relieve the suffering of his poor neighbor- Deut. 15:11 He was the antithesis of the good Samaritan Sins of omission will cause others to end up in torment
The Reversal of their Conditions-3 The rich man was now seeking relief He asked for Lazarus to come & cool his tongue But his request was rejected He also suffered mentally He remembered that he had 5 brothers who were headed for torment also He asked for Lazarus to be allowed to go back and warn them
The Reversal of their Conditions-4 This request was also denied with the assurance that if they would not believe the Moses and the prophets they would not believe one who returned from the dead- V31 Those who go into eternal punishment will remember the opportunities they had to repent and to do good to others And how they influenced others to remain in sin But, like the rich man, it will be too late to correct their mistakes
Lessons from the Rich Man and Lazarus 1. Gods judgment is different from mans -V15 He judges based on the heart- I Sam. 16:7 2.Wealth can hinder salvation- Prov. 30:8-9 3.God will accept the poorest people- Mt. 11:5 4.We must be merciful to those in need- Jas. 2:13 & Mt. 5:7 5.Ones destiny is fixed at death- V26 Are you prepared for eternity this morning?