Team #3: Interactive Medium-Fi Prototype Lighter Load Team #3: Interactive Medium-Fi Prototype
Team #3 Taylor Bacon Yuqi Yao Angelo Ramos Priya Chatwani
Roadmap Product Goals Tasks UI Changes Task Flows Prototype Overview
Experiencing dyslexia together. Value Proposition Experiencing dyslexia together. Helping students with dyslexia unpack their load.
Problem Statement Students with dyslexia often feel isolated and left behind in traditional classroom settings, and their families usually lack access to the individualized and project-based learning strategies that are offered in private school. We want to leverage the power of storytelling and visualization to connect students with dyslexia on a virtual platform so that they can share and reflect upon their collective experiences with a supportive community.
Task Definition Task 1: Create Your Story Simple Task 2: Share Your Story Moderate Task 3: Discover & Comment on Similar Stories Complex
Corresponding Changes in Med-Fi Prototype Concerns from Low-Fi Prototype Corresponding Changes in Med-Fi Prototype “Create a story” task was too vague Added clearer instructions and a bank of previously created components Unclear how to put components into a story Re-designed the story creation → components are drag-and-drop Stuck in a loop at end of task Added a Menu Bar and easier transition buttons between tasks Concerns about privacy and regulation of comments Select from a list of pre-written comments
Revised Character Creation New features Bank of previously created character(s) Option to upload an image (tester suggestion) User can now re-use a past character or draw a new one
Revised Content Creation New features “+” button to add a previously selected or created component from the user’s bank or design something new Clearer instructions and navigation options (i.e. submit, save as draft)
Track Progress Page Our team was drawn to the idea of creating a progress page for each user Track stories submitted, comments received, etc. Added to Task 1 We hope looking back on one’s work will give users a sense of accomplishment
Task Flow 1
Task Flow 2
Task Flow 3
Prototype Tools Prototype Tool Marvel PROS Screen-Making Tool Highlights clickable areas Transitions can be duplicated CONS User changes are not persistent Marvel does not remember previous actions Screen-Making Tool GravitDesigner Free on Mac Store Shareable designs Easy to use, low onboarding process
Prototype Limitations and Trade-Offs Simplification of user actions and task flows Did not include scroll features Left out several pages (i.e. Settings, Log-in) Non-functional buttons: “SAVE” as draft & “UPLOAD” image options Future functionality goals for Hi-Fi Prototype Maintain drafts of stories Go back and edit the content of stories Change the sharing and viewing properties of any story Create a template for stories to be shared via email or text
Wizard-Of-Oz and Hard-Coded Features Wizard-of-Oz techniques None Hard-Coded Features Mock contacts to share a story with Library of mock stories by other mock users Mock feedback about one’s story Necessary for simulating full user experience