Document #: TX005849
The Prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit Chapter 11 Jesus Christ, True God and True Man
Chapter Summary This chapter will explore the Incarnation. Incarnation is the word we use to describe the reality that Jesus Christ took on our human nature, becoming like us in all things except sin, while retaining his full divinity. Jesus’ Incarnation saves humanity from the power of sin and death, makes Jesus the one and perfect mediator between God and humanity, reveals Jesus’ desire to be our friend, and offers us a model for a holy life.
Introduction (Handbook, Pages 120–121) Discussion Questions: Who can tell me some good news? The world has been around for a long, long, time. What do you think is the best news the world has ever known? © MarcelClemens/
Good News The Church has good news for all people, namely that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became flesh and lived among us. The Good News that the divine Son of God came to earth and took on our human nature is called the Incarnation. By taking on our human nature Jesus makes it possible for us to get to know him and to love him. © Freedom Studio /
“Who Is Jesus Christ?” (Handbook, Pages 121–125) Think-Pair-Share Think: What are some ways Jesus is like us? What are some ways Jesus is different from us? Pair: Join another classmate. Share: Why is it important that Jesus is like us and not like us? © Odessa Sawyer / Saint Mary's Press
Who Is Jesus? Scripture and Tradition show us that Jesus is a Divine Person with two natures—fully human and fully divine. Jesus was fully human, meaning that he grew, walked, talked, cried, got tired, got hungry, and had feelings like you and me. Jesus was truly God, evidenced by his miracles, his raising the dead, and his forgiving sins. Jesus allows others to call him “Lord,” a special name for God. © g-stockstudio/
“What the Incarnation Means for Us” (Part 1) (Handbook, Pages 125–127) Discussion Questions: What does it mean to say that Jesus is our King? How is Jesus like an earthly king? How is Jesus different from an earthly king? © Gino Santa Maria /
Jesus the Christ Jesus is called the “Christ,” which is the Greek word for the Hebrew word Messiah, which means “anointed one.” Jesus’ name means “God saves.” Saving humanity from Original Sin and personal sin is Jesus’ primary mission and goal. © enterlinedesign/
The Perfect Mediator Because Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human, he is the perfect mediator to restore the broken relationship between God and human beings. Through God’s grace we are saved from sin and death. © Suzanne Tucker /
“What the Incarnation Means for Us” (Part 2) (Handbook, pp. 127–129) Journal It! Write down your thoughts on these questions. How would you describe a person who is a true friend? What are some things about Jesus that would indicate he is indeed our true friend? © William Perugini /
Friend, Teacher, and Model By becoming truly human, Jesus shows he wants to be our friend. Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves and has the highest hopes for the saints— the good and holy people—we can become. Jesus offers himself as a teacher and a model to imitate. Jesus taught us the Beatitudes as ideals for which we should strive. © Odessa Sawyer / Saint Mary's Press