Homework YWBAT recognize and describe the layers of the Earth. Tuesday, April 23, 2019 A-Day Objective: YWBAT recognize and describe the layers of the Earth. Drill: What is the difference between compositional and physical properties? Homework Weathering Lab – Corrections Weathering Test - Corrections
Answer Compositional properties describes what the layers are made of while physical properties describes their physical characteristics (what they look like, feel like, smell like etc.)
Did you know…? The density of the Earth’s core is similar to a mixture of iron and nickel. This was determined by studying the way seismic waves travel through it.
Today’s Activities Drill Look at returned work in Google Classroom Complete Layers of the Earth Research- Compositional and Physical properties Conclusion
True or False: The crust is the Earth’s only solid layer. Closure True or False: The crust is the Earth’s only solid layer.
False: The crust is the Earth’s only solid layer. Closure Answer False: The crust is the Earth’s only solid layer.