WHS Principal’s Coffee May 14, 2018 Vaping and Juuling: A New Generation of Addiction? Anthony Parker, Mitch Finnegan, and Danielle Cooper
AGENDA Provide Information on What’s happening at WHS Provide Education How can WHS and Parents work Together? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfkT6EZVGQs&feature=youtu.be
Results from the 2017 Weston youth health assessment What does the data show? Results from the 2017 Weston youth health assessment
Decreased 33% Decreased 50% Increased 29% Increased 26% O fthe youth who have vaped… 67% 64% 54%
Of the youth who have vaped… 67% 64% 54%
Markers Of Addiction Addiction potential of any substance How quickly does the addiction (Substance use dependence) develop? Related to how quickly: The body develops tolerance The drug creates the “high” Vaporizing or inhaling heated substance is quickest route of administration Powdered cocaine (snorted)– 10 minutes Crack cocaine (Smoked) – 8 secs Nicotine – via smoking tobacco = 6 secs Nicotine – via vape = ???
A Functional Definition of the Safe vs. Unsafe Use A Functional Definition of the Substance Use-Misuse-Dependence Continuum USE MISUSE DEPENDENCE/ ADDICTION “Low Use” Unlikely negative consequences “Moderate Use” Use with low probability of negative consequences “Heavy Use” Use with probable negative consequences “Dependence/ Addiction” Use with certain negative consequences SAFE USE UNSAFE USE Substance Use Disorder (SUD) It’s not about How Much or How Often It’s about What Happens Turn to the page of your notes labeled Social Use – Student Worksheet #11. Now we come to one of the most important things to understand about this entire topic – How can you tell if a person has a problem with alcohol (and remember, we see a very similar pattern with other substances of abuse as well). Many people will try to figure out if there is a problem by determining if the pesron is only using Socially. In fact, many people will use this as an explanation of their own use—”I’m only a Social Drinker” So, let’s think about this. Let’s say I only drink about once a week when I go out to dinner on Friday nights with some friends or my family. I have one or two drinks over the course of a couple of hours. I always make sure I eat a good meal along with it, and make sure I’m with friends, and make sure I feel completely sober before I go home. Does this sound like Social Use? PROBABLE ANSWER – Yes! Okay, well, the truth is that the way I really like to use alcohol is that I get ready for the Pats game every week by buying a case of beer, and bringing it to my man cave. A couple of my friends come over, and they each bring their own case of their favorite beer, and then we watch the game and each drink a case of beer. Does this sound like social use? Correct Answer—YES. I’m using socially like my friends, with my friends. Its very social. Well, okay, the truth is, I don’t drink at all. Instead what I like to do is go to a local flop house where a bunch of my heroin using buddies shoot up. We all cook up the heroin together, and then pass the needle around and gently nod off together. Does this sound like social use? Answer – Yes. I’m using socially with friends. Given that, do you think Social Use is a good way to determine if I’m having a problem with my alcohol or my heroin use? CORRECT ANSWER- NO! (Red X will cross out Social Use on Slide) So cross out the term Social use on the top of the paper. In fact, we should never try to use that as a means of determining if there is a problem. So, let’s look for another way to look at this issue. NO USE NO NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES- Dependence A state in which an organism functions normally only in the presence of the drug, manifested as a physical disturbance when the drug is withdrawn
The Theory of “Less Bad” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haqi4xvjvKo
Resources facing an increased likelihood of trying e-cigarettes. ‘I Can’t Stop’: Schools Struggle With Vaping Explosion https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/02/health/vaping-ecigarettes-addiction- teen.html Vaping now an epidemic among US high schoolers https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/06/health/high-schools-vaping- epidemic/index.html https://med.stanford.edu/tobaccopreventiontoolkit/E-Cigs/ECigUnit1.html Teens with ADHD at Risk of ‘Vaping’ Recent research shows that vaping—using e-cigarettes—is on the rise among teens. Young people affected by ADHD are more likely to try tobacco product than their peers and are facing an increased likelihood of trying e-cigarettes.