2 Mrs. Silvers BUZZ OF THE WEEK Bradley Elementary School nd Grade Oct. 11-Oct. 14 Bradley Elementary School Save the Dates October: 10- Columbus Day NO SCHOOL 11- Laser Science Assembly 11- Educational Theatre 11:30pm 13- Watch 3rd Grade Play at 2:00pm 20-21- Parent Teacher Conferences 28- Early Release at 1:30pm NO SPELLING TEST THIS WEEK We’ll be reviewing consonants and short vowels this week. <<< Goals >>> Reading Firefighters Focus Skill: Main idea and supporting details Character Traits Grammar: Nouns Spelling: Review skills Math: Place Value Math Vocabulary: value, digit, place, ones, tens, hundreds, patterns, standard form, expanded form, word form, place value chart, compare, equal to. Homework Please look at your child’s planner/ each evening for homework/information; Math homework and reading logs will need to be turned in on Thursday. Specials 1:45-2:30 Mon: NO SCHOOL Tues: Library Wed: Music Thurs: P.E. Fri: Art Social Studies Maps and Landforms Questions or concerns? asilvers@usd207.org (913) 651-6915 ext.1104