Andrew can talk with Kids!
My name is Andrew, I’m in 1st grade. There are lots kids in my class My name is Andrew, I’m in 1st grade! There are lots kids in my class. I want to talk to them and they want to talk to me.
There are many times in the day that I can talk to other kids in my class. Those times are lunch, recess, and other times when my teacher says it is Ok to talk to the kids in my class.
Before I talk to kids in my class I need to decide what to talk about Before I talk to kids in my class I need to decide what to talk about. I can think of something on my own or I can choose from my pictures.
Next I need decide who to talk to and remember what the kid’s name is Next I need decide who to talk to and remember what the kid’s name is. I can use my class picture for help or I can decide on my own.
After I choose the kid I want to talk to I will stand by them so I can see there face and they can see my face.
I will say “ Hello” and say the kid’s name I will say “ Hello” and say the kid’s name. Then I will wait for the kid to say “Hello” to me.
After the kid says “Hello”. I will say “Guess what After the kid says “Hello”. I will say “Guess what?” and tell the kid 2 things you I know about the topic I picked.
Then I will ask the kid a question about the topic and wait for them to tell me about it. While they talk to me I will look at their face and keep my mouth quiet.
When they are done talking, I will say “Thank you for talking with me, goodbye”
Kids like learning about me when I say “Hello” and tell them about something I know. I like learning about what kids like when I ask them a question about what they know and listen to them talk. I am a good friend when I say thank you for talking to me.
My teacher and the kids in my class are happy when I talk to them My teacher and the kids in my class are happy when I talk to them. I feel good when I talk to them and they are happy.