Hazard conundrum NSF: fundamental processes FEMA: hazard mitigation
New multidisciplinary initiatives in NSF Human and social dynamics Coupled human and natural systems
HSD Cross-cutting NSF-wide priority area 5-year : 2008 final year Agents of change (AOC) Dynamics of human behavior (DHB) Decision making, risk, and uncertainty (DRU) complexity and systems thinking, emergent properties of dynamic systems. human drivers of environmental change the consequences of environmental change on humans.
HSD 2008 POOL: $30,000,000 Type 2 maximum award sizes of $1,250,000 All proposals must include three or more senior personnel from at least two different fields.
Boulder Hazards Center DRU: TSUNAMI: Social cognitive modeling of preparedness and effectiveness of warnings 3 year: 2005-2008 Other partners FEMA State of Washington, EM Oregon Dept. of Geol. & Min. Ind. City of Seaside, Oregon Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, California. Coronado Fire Department San Diego County EM Kauai County Civil Defense NOAA, Kodiak AK Researchers: UH ETSA U North Carolina Mississippi State Boulder Hazards Center U Tasmania GNS (NZ) There are nine individuals with major roles in the project. They come from three different countries, and 7 different institutions. In each community, we worked directly with the local agencies in charge of dealing with local disasters. In some cities, like California, it was mainly the fire department, although others, like Hawaii, it was the County Civil Defense. All of the data created in this survey will be given back to these key agencies upon completion.
Factors affecting behavioral response to natural warning signs of tsunami: the case study of the December 26, 2004 earthquake. One year in 2005-2006
Dynamics of coupled natural and human systems First multi-directorate program in NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences, Directorate for Geosciences, Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. $9,000,000 available roughly $500,000 to $1,500,000.
Dynamics of coupled natural and human systems quantitative, interdisciplinary analyses of relevant human and natural system processes and complex interactions among human and natural systems at diverse scales.
Dynamics of coupled natural and human systems In 2008: proposal with Regional and Urban Planning to look at linkage between physical, biological and human systems in context of 3 volcanoes: Kīlauea St Helens Pinatubo