Updates on The Hub Evaluation Plan for Hub Members March 22 2019
Purpose of this presentation Update Hubs members on the Hubs Evaluation Activities Provide information on the Survey for completion Provide information on the 1-1 interview schedule
Deploy survey to Hubs members 3/22 The Evaluation will generate insights from a tailored survey, 1-1 interviews, and group engagement Activities: Analyze CCI data on Hubs Interview 3 Hub leaders to guide plan and survey tool Create survey tool Test survey Deploy survey to Hubs members 3/22 Analyze data Interview Hubs leads Interview dropped Hubs members Synthesize findings, share interim findings at Hubs event San Mateo; Poll group at event for improvements Create final report and host CHCF CCI workshop on Findings Jan Feb March April May June/July 4/23/2019 © The Scott Group 2019
Online Survey: Advice from our 2 testers: Debra Rosen and Jessica Moore It takes 30 minutes – so please set aside the full 30 minutes! There are a combination of open and closed questions, our testers found the survey easy to follow and answer, they gave us great feedback to make it even easier for all of you – thank you Debra and Jessica! The testers asked us to let you know of 2 questions – so you could think a bit about your answers: Briefly, what has been the impact of Hubs program participation on you as an individual? Please include the top 1-3 things that come to mind, versus a comprehensive list. Briefly, what has been the impact of Hubs program participation at your organization? Or what is different at your organization because you’ve participated in Hubs?
What will happen with the survey data? We have every intention of sharing aggregated results with Hubs members, with CCI and CHCF We will provide only aggregated data to ensure that answers cannot be attributed to any particular person or Hub organization 4/23/2019
Next steps for Hubs Members: Survey and Interview The survey will deploy 3/22 We are asking for 2 people at each Hub organization to complete the survey: the lead person and alternate person (provided to CCI as part of your Hub application) Task: We are asking you to complete the survey by April 10, we will send out reminders April 5 Survey emails will come from MKS@MaryKateScott.com Survey: deploys 3/22 Due 4/10 We would like to interview the lead person at each Hub organization 1-1 interviews of 30 min. will take place in April, ideally April 22-26 and April 29-30. If you are the lead person, your task: Please send an email to Sandra@MaryKateScott.com with 2-3 schedule options that work for you (ideally between 7am-4pm PT) April 22-26 and 29-30 If these dates do not work, we will create some back up options, likely April 18, 19 or May 1-3. For the interview, you will receive an invitation with a GoToMeeting link from Sandra@MaryKateScott.com Interviews: Please schedule a time 4/22-26 or 4/29-30 4/23/2019 © The Scott Group 2019
What if I’m a new member… I may not have much to say on the Hubs program If you are very new to the Hub program, we appreciate you may not have experienced the program or tools, or for example had an opportunity to share insights gained as part of the Hubs program. So for Hub members who joined in the last 6 months we are not asking you to take the survey, rather only provide feedback in a 30 minute interview. We are very interested to interview the Hubs lead at your organization, to get your early impressions of the program, your expectations and reasons for joining. Thank you! 4/23/2019
Questions? Please raise questions now or please send an email to MaryKate@MaryKateScott.com any time during the Evaluation process 4/23/2019
Approximate time investment for the Hub organizations One 1-1 interview with each lead in the Hub organization (30 min) Short (15-30 min or less) engagement on some of the regularly scheduled Hub calls Online survey response (approx. 30 min) March/April 2018 ~60-90 minutes of engagement during the San Mateo meeting on findings and polling on program and “spread” improvements 4/23/2019 © The Scott Group 2019