Theme Map for Year 4: Spring 2016 Theme – Rumble and Shake Please encourage your child to read each day Theme Map for Year 4: Spring 2016 Theme – Rumble and Shake Swimming Stories set in imaginary worlds -Exploring well known stories set in imaginary worlds through drama -Planning and writing a story set in an imaginary world - Computer science Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output Cricket skills Persuasive writing - for and against changing the school -Exploring both sides to every debate -Learning to debate successfully -Writing a persuasive letter Homework: Alternative maths and English plus free choice. Set on a Tuesday. Collected on Monday. PE English Explanation texts - Linked to volcanoes and earthquakes ICT Class 4 Rumble and Shake States of matter Comparing and grouping materials Investigating evaporation, condensation, water cycle. Observe how materials change state Geography Science Songs for production Volcanoes and earthquakes How they both form Volcanoes around the world Effects to human life Good to be me Maths Music Number and Place Value -Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division PSHE Art/ DT History Number Roman numerals up to 50 Adding and rounding decimals RE Measurement -Estimating, measuring and recording length, weight and capacity Geometry: Position and direction on a grid Jesus’ Parables Understand that Jesus used parables to teach To identify the meaning of parables Pop up books - Explore pop up books and design our own based on volcanoes Taught in Summer 1 Moses as leader -Exploring Moses’ life -Identifying qualities of leaders