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Presentation transcript:

COST EFFECTIVNESS ANALISYS Country report - HUNGARY Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW) COST EFFECTIVNESS ANALISYS Country report - HUNGARY Ibolya GAZDAG – Veolia Water Hungary

INTRODUCTION MoEW 1. Status of WFD implementation 2. Main findings of the country report 3. Ongoing activities preparing CEA

The legal harmonisation completed WFD implementation MoEW The legal harmonisation completed The Hungarian Strategic Document and related acts/regulations and governmental decrees accepted Institutional background ensured As Hungary’s whole territory is in Danube basin – work in strong relationship with ICPDR in order to create basin wide development plan to reach WFD goals The sub-basins for river basin management plans defined, and main rules for working out the programmme of measures are regulated in governmental decrees

WFD implementation 18 planning subunit for programmes of measures MoEW 4 planning units necessary for international agreements and EU reporting

WFD implementation MoEW Water bodies at risk based on organic load

WFD implementation MoEW Water bodies at risk based on nutrient load

WFD implementation MoEW Water bodies at risk based on hazardous material load

WFD implementation MoEW Water bodies defined as at risk based on presence of point or diffuse pollution sources or pollutions from cross border origin Organic pollution (74) Nutrient pollution (470) Dangerous material (201) Point source Diffuse source Cross border 46 23 5 130 201 3 26 170

WFD implementation Preparatory works, projects: MoEW Preparatory works, projects: Általér project / 2001-2003– water management plan prepared in frame of MATRA project , some economic elements, but different principles Szamos pilot project / 2002-2003 – international (HU-Ro) testing of EU-WFD guidance for surface water bodies, common GIS and monitoring systems and economic characterisation PHARE project /2001-2005 – two subproject in frame of twinning: survey of the ecological status of the surface waters, survey of chemical status of ground waters and some institutional development Zagyva- Tarna pilot project / 2004-2006 to develop programme of measures under the WFD requirements

WFD implementation Zagyva- Tarna pilot project: MoEW Zagyva- Tarna pilot project: - Characterisation and water management issues including economic analysis and level of cost recovery is already completed - Pressure and Impact analysis, Baseline scenario and risk analysis is available, but working out programme of measures with CEA will be tasks for 2006 Zagyva-Tarna river basin Budapest

WFD implementation New EU funded project to support WFD implementation MoEW New EU funded project to support WFD implementation (funded from Transitional Facility) Starting date: 2005 December Deadline for completion: 2007 III. Quarter Main tasks: methodology for defining programmes of measures most favourable from cost effectiveness point of view ( guidance for use of CEA in selection of the measures, proposal for evaluation and critical analysis of cost recovery in water services) testing the results of economic analysis on Upper-Tisza watershed and in ongoing pilot project of Zagyva-Tarna. Final goal of the work is to work out a guidance for Hungarian water management planning process – how to use the economic analysis and CEA Strategy for implementation of public involvement on national, regional and subunit level in planning process