Case Based Discussion Nov 2013
Aims Re fresh on CBD- how to do Look at some possible cases In groups decide on what areas to cover Come up with some proposed question Consensus on what you would be looking for to show competence Sharing of resources
Basics Balanced- including children mental health cancer and palliative care older adults Different contexts Surgery Home visits Out of hours
ST1/ST2 Trainee selects 2 cases Present clinical entries and relevant records to your CS or ES 1 week before discussion CS or ES selects one of these cases
ST3 Present 4 cases to trainer/ ES one week before discussion They select one or two for discussion
What’s covered Framed around case ( not hypothetical events ) Designed to elicit evidence of competence rather than knowledge test Covers as many relevant competencies in time available – discuss which ones covering at start of discussion Takes all in about 30 mins – includes paperwork
SO lets look at some cases
How do you choose competencies?