Dodoma region into industrial hubs. TANZANIA OIL AND GAS CONGRESS Hyatt Regency THE KILIMANJARO, 24 – 25 September 2018 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Attracting Investment – Driving Projects Forward- Promoting Collaboration. The Dodoma relocation: Opportunities for Tanzania’s capital as a potential model city in using gas to develop and transform Dodoma region into industrial hubs. Presenter: Hon. Dr. Binilith Mahenge, Dodoma Regional Commissioner, United Republic of Tanzania
Content; Introduction The emerging model for developing Dodoma The framework for transforming Dodoma. The rationale for oil and gas in development of Dodoma Conclusion.
1. Introduction…. Relocation to Dodoma In 1973, in the First Phase of Government Decreed that the administrative functions of government relocated from Dar es Salaam to the capital of Dodoma. 43 years later, in July 2016, His Excellence President John Magufuli emphased the Decree and put into action.
1. Introduction…. Drivers of the move to Dodoma i) Strong political backing for the relocation to Dodoma 45 years ago Status to date: Already the Government have enacted a Law to recognize Dodoma the Capital City. Results of political will can be seen as follows; Workers from the ministries and some others Institutions, Prime Minister and The Vice President moved already in Dodoma.
1. Introduction…. Drivers of the move to Dodoma… ii) Dodoma is strategically located in the centre of the country. A number of investments have gone into improving regional connectivity. Bus Terminal and International Markets Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) Airports
1. Introduction…. Drivers of the move to Dodoma… iii) National plans influencing Dodoma Development Tanzania National Five- Year development Plan 2016/17 – 2020/21 Tanzania Vision to reach middle-income country status by 2025. iv) Ruling Party Manifesto (Chama Cha Mapinduzi-CCM) stipulates the 5th Government of Tanzania moves from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma Capital.
2. Emerging model for developing Dodoma Visioning of Dodoma Transforming into a well-planned administrative, commercial and industrial city, using the latest technology and knowledge development in the 21st century. Not to repeat the mistakes of Dar es Salaam in-terms of physical development of the city (location of Residential, Commercial, industrial). Reviewing of Dodoma Master Plan Focus on creating a green Dodoma, surrounded by largely self-sufficient satellite cities.
2. Emerging model for developing Dodoma…. Strategic direction for Dodoma’s development; Making the city work as the capital city with adequate infrastructure, services and accommodation. Making the city attractive and vibrant places in which to live, work and invest in (families to like leaving in Dodoma) Making the City Competitive
3. Framework towards transforming Dodoma Basic elements under consideration in the framework; Industrial development (production): Industrial development (logistics and support) such as dry port Trading, retail and tourism; Infrastructure and Transport networks; Energy availability including gas, solar, electricity; Community Services including Schools, Hospitals Technology, research and development Low crime and safe city
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Rationale for using gas in the development of Dodoma…. Consideration of on-going gas development Gas Utilization Master Plan seeks to anticipate the infrastructure necessary to open up the gas market for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Consideration of environment in the development of Dodoma Integration of Master Plan for Dodoma Capital and will be Dodoma Gas Master Plan focusing on greenhouse gas and clean energy goals for transforming Dodoma, consideration to reduce carbon pollution from its built environment, and The City will be in the position to address climate change issues.
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Rationale for Energy in the development of Dodoma…. Consideration of environment in the development of Dodoma Strategically consider also generating energy from solar, wind, biomass and landfill gas projects with consideration to the three pillars of sustainable development, namely economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Water supply: Addressing water supply needs as per masterplan Regional transport connectivity; Railway line, roads infrastructure, airports. Local roads and transport: strategic roads. Safeguarding public transport corridors routes,. Design of mass transit system through Transportation Master Plans. Potential for BRT and Tram projects. Electricity: Low electrification rate in Dodoma Region. Challenge of reliability.
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Trade, industry and logistics: in the framework of National 5- year Development projects priorities for Dodoma. Hotels and tourism; focus to accommodate business/official visitors Schools and universities;. Focus on building schools to provide for existing and future pupils.
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Health services and hospitals: providing more specialized health services Waste collection; targeting on Sanitary Landfill Public spaces and other community facilities: Desertification and some climate risks acknowledged in the region. The plan focuses on safeguarding land for public and green spaces. Greening Dodoma Program. Plans to start construction of stadium in Dodoma
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Housing and Real Estates Development: focus is on delivering housing for existing and growing population. Housing schemes. ICT and Communication infrastructure: Upgrading of ICT and communications network. Focus on Dodoma as technology/ ICT hub.
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… World Experiences on Gas pipelines Transfer: .The United States has the largest network of pipelines in the world, with more than 2.4 million miles of pipe. There are approximately 72,000 miles of crude oil lines in the U.S. that connect regional markets. Nord Stream: Russia- Germany With length of 1,222 Km, diameter of 1,220mm (48inch)
World Experiences on Gas pipelines Transfer..... 4. Rationale for Energy in the development of Dodoma… World Experiences on Gas pipelines Transfer..... .The Trans-Mediterranean Pipeline transports natural gas from Algeria to Italy via Tunisia and Sicily. The 4,107km-long Yamal–Europe pipeline can carry 33 billion cubic metres of natural gas a year. 18
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Emerging Gas Tanzania; Natural Gas Pipeline Case of Tanzania Dar es Salaam Kinyerezi to Dodoma. Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Power Plant, 1.2GW. Dar -Dodoma road along Gas pipeline, 600km (together 8 industrial parks and 1 Dry port). Mtwara/ Lindi to Dar es Salaam with a length of about 400 Km Dar es Salaam to Dodoma length of about 450 Km
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Natural Gas Pipeline Case of Tanzania Economic benefits in transforming Central Region and National at large; An opportunity to stimulate development of Dodoma and the country as whole. Timely investment in urban infrastructure and services, and business and job creation support progrmmes.
4. Rationale for gas in the development of Dodoma… Natural Gas Pipeline Case of Tanzania Economic benefits in transforming Central Region and National at large; A model for the future urbanization of Tanzania and support the industrialization aims of the government of Tanzania Well planned; administratively, Commercially and Industrial City. Desertification and some climate risks will be acknowledged in the region. The plan focuses on safeguarding land for public and green spaces. Greening Dodoma Program.
5. Conclusion The move to Dodoma is a significant opportunity to stimulate economic growth in the central and less developed region of the country Dodoma is not just a government town, but also becomes a vibrant economic centre, driving growth across the region.
5. Conclusion… It is also vital that the Dodoma is developed in a manner which is climate resilient, and socially and economically inclusive The process of planning, financing, managing and investing in Dodoma can generate valuable lessons for the urban development of the whole country and the region.
5. Conclusion… The link between increasingly opportunities of usage and provision of energy in developing Dodoma in the framework of relocation processes of government from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma is highly appreciated in meeting challenges of urbanizing Dodoma and support the industrialization aims of the government of Tanzania.
5. Conclusion… I believe that as a Country, we have the commitment and the ability to respond to His Excellency, President Joseph Pombe Magufuli’s commitments and initiatives in ensuring transforming Dodoma including of this energy sector happen.