The detedction of photospheric impacts from chromospheric impulsive events Moretti,P.F. et al.,2003,ApJL,589,109 Short review 2003.09.08 神尾 精
Abstract Perturbation of photosphere caused by chromospheric impulsive downflow is detected. Although it is generally accepted that convective flow is the source of solar oscillation, the downflow events may be the origin of solar oscillation.
Instrument Italian Panoramic Monochrometer (IPM) installed in THEMIS. Birefringent + Fabry Perot Filters Cd isotope for wavelength reference Precision of about 10 m/s (~2mÅ) Wavelength range 4600Å~6800Å
Observation B class flare in AR 9455 at 10:00UT on 2001 May 13 Images of 11 wavelengths were obtained each 40s. Fe I 5576.1Å 0, ±45, ±80 mÅ Na I 5889.97Å 0, ±80 mÅ Hα 6562.8Å 0, ±650 mÅ Dopplergrams were obtained by fitting FeI images with Gaussian profile
Hα and acceleration map Trigger Area(TRA) First Brightening Area(FBA) Hα line core image Acceleration map of FeI Strong acceleration is detected in FBA and TRA
Time plot Flare started at 09:58 UT Impulsive down flow at 10:10 UT wing core
Velocity and FWHM of FeI 09:40 FWHM increase 09:52 Upflow in TRA 09:58 Flare start in FBA(Hα) 10:10 Downward pulse
Discussion Downward flows in the photosphere are detected during a B-class flare. Upward flow seems to be related to the trigger of the flare. Kinetic energy released by the downflow jet is approximately 5x1026 erg. These events are the part of the source of solar oscillation.