Peter Roncak, Team Member, Slovak Republic Twinning Project SK/05/IB/EN/01 Process of Twinning Project Slovakia, September 12, 2008 Peter Roncak, Team Member, Slovak Republic
Final Workshop Acceleration of the accession process (to cope with legal system of EU, derrogations, etc.) Assisstance of the EU to New Member via Member State (technical assisstance. TW project, TW light project, other tools as TAIEX, FP R and D, etc.)
Final Workshop The Slovak Republic: Why Twinning project?
Final Workshop Overall objective - the twinning project process: Implementation of the EU Directives and requirements related to the Environment (Water) Purpose: Use of knowledge and experience of the Old Member State in the Transition and Implementation Process in BC (Slovakia)
Final Workshop The Twinning Project was basically formed to: Accelerate Implementation process of EU Directives into national legal system, Safe time and financial means, including tewchnical and human resources, Enhance administrative capacity of relevant authorities for the operation and further management of the national system.
Final Workshop How to find a partner? Complex procedure
Final Workshop The Partnership Proffessional Personal Social
Final Workshop Results - EU Directives in Place, - Well trained national experts and state administration, The Partnership can used later in Twinning projects formed for the Third Coutries