LEE COUNTY MIDDLE HIGH SCHOOL Student Attendance 3rd absence of any type All absences are documented for absence 1 and 2 Classroom teachers contact home to discuss academic and attendance concerns School Staff contacts home for reason and submits list to DPP assistant DPP runs and checks daily unexcused absences Student is Present No upon return Attendance clerk reviews doctor and parent notes and enters into IC Yes Each school has a system of attendance incentive/ reward programs 3rd unexcused absence (Truant) 6th unexcused absence DPP meets with student at school/home to determine causes and obtain excuses if any. Third unexcused absence notice will be sent from the school to the home. (Copied to DPP) When students are under court orders and are truant the court system is notified immediately. 5th unexcused absence After the 6th unexcused absence and all notices and home visits are complete the DPP determines when and how to file truancy with the court system. Truancy may be charged with the guardian or the student. The Principal shall notify the parent of truancy & schedule a conf. with the student, parent, principal and DPP No Pass No Drive Extracurricular Attendance Policy Notice of truancy will be sent by certified mail or hand delivered by DPP. Social Service may also be contacted for referral of educational neglect Under Kentucky’s No Pass/No Drive statute, any student that has 9 unexcused absences in a semester shall be reported for removal of their drivers license. This statue only applies to 16 and 17 year old drivers. A student must maintain a 95% attendance percentage to be eligible to participate