DNA Extraction
Some Background Info Step 1-2. Extract In this step, we used salt and dish soap to break down the cell membrane and nuclear membrane. This allowed the DNA and other cell parts to escape into one big mixture. The salt helps the organelles clump up and sink out of the way.
Some Background Info Steps 3-4. Filter and Isolate In this step, our goal is to get the DNA separated from all the other cell stuff in the mixture. First we remove the large solids (we used a spoon). Then, we used enzyme powder to help the DNA uncoil. Once it uncoils, the different strands mingle and stick together into a few larger clumps.
Some Background Info Step 5. Separate In the last step, we used isopropyl alcohol to separate the clumped-up DNA from the rest of the liquid. DNA is able to dissolve in the saltwater mixture, but floats up and “falls out” of solution in alcohol. This allows us to see the DNA!