SATs 2019 Parents briefing
Year 6 SATs Briefing Session Introduction English Maths Questions
Overview – 13th – 16th May 2019 One set of tests for each subject English Tests Reading Paper – 1 hour (50 marks) Paper 1 – SPAG – short answer questions – 45 minutes (50 marks) Paper 2 – Spelling – 15 minutes (20 marks) Other Assessment Pupils’ writing assessed throughout the year Maths Tests Paper 1 – Arithmetic – 30 minutes (40 marks) Paper 2 – Reasoning A – 40 minutes (35 marks) Paper 3 – Reasoning B – 40 minutes (35 marks)
Overview – what is my child expected to achieve? For the KS2 tests a scaled score of 100 will always represent the ‘expected standard’ The scaled score will be based upon the pupils’ raw score. 80 is the lowest scaled score that can be awarded 120 is the highest scaled score The raw score is their total number of marks they receive in the test. A conversion table will be used to translate raw scores into scaled scores.
Converting raw scores SATs Raw Scores
Results Results will be published in July and shortly after they have been published each child will receive: A raw score A scaled score Confirmation of whether or not they have reached the expected standard
SATs timetable – 13th – 16th May 2019 Date All children Monday 13th May Grammar and Punctuation (45 mins) Spelling Test (15 mins) Tuesday 14th May Reading test (1 hour) Wednesday 15th May Mathematics – Paper 1 – Arithmetic Mathematics – Paper 2 – Reasoning A Thursday 16th May Mathematics – Paper 3 – Reasoning B
Overview – SATs week Normal timetable is changed for all Year 6 pupils. Tests will be conducted in familiar surroundings Additional/extended breaks Additional staff will be deployed to support children
English All pupils will sit the same papers. There is no longer a ‘level 6’ paper. Tests Reading Paper - 1 hour Grammar, punctuation, vocabulary - 45 minutes Spelling - 15 minutes Writing – teacher assessment
Reading Test One hour to read a booklet containing 3 or 4 different text types and answer questions about these texts. Types of text: story/report/diary/web pages/journal/letters/comic strip/advertisements Types of questions could include: inference/deduction/understanding interpret/ explain/comment writer’s viewpoint, purpose or use of language/structure and organisation of the text
Examiners are looking for: Pupils who can: Infer and deduce Follow instructions Use varied/technical vocabulary Write in the required style/genre Write in full sentences with a good range of punctuation/appropriate sentence length Write with a clear viewpoint
Grammar and Punctuation Test Areas to be tested: Word classes – nouns, adjectives, articles etc Features of sentences – statements, commands, questions Complex sentences – clauses, subordinating connectives Standard English – tenses, I and me, contractions Vocabulary – synonyms, antonyms, word meanings, prefixes and suffixes, singular and plural Punctuation – capital letters, commas, inverted commas, apostrophes, ellipsis, colons etc.
Spelling Test 20 sentences with words to fill in: We sat at the table to eat our ________ (dinner) The plants _______ butterflies (attracted) The dancers’ movements were _____ (synchronised) Previous spellings include: intelligent dangerous characters scales breathe islands extinct supreme associated
Writing The overall writing judgement will be made by looking at pupils’ work over the course of the year. This will be moderated internally, by other local schools and possibly by an external moderator. The range of styles include: Narrative, Poetry, Recount, Report, Instruction, Procedure, Explanation, Persuasion, Argument
Ways to help at home - Reading Read a range of non-fiction and fiction texts – identify the features of the texts. Listen to your child read – use the planner. Ask questions about their reading. Find different types of texts in your home. Talk about WHO they are written for / WHY they have been written / WHAT style has been used / WHEN the text style is used / WHERE these texts are found / HOW the texts have been organised.
Ways to help at home - Spelling Post-its Spelling rules Point out spellings around the house/in shops/on outings When listening to your child read, point out certain spellings Diaries– write down the spelling of new words / learn the meaning of these words Note words and their spellings in the context of the sentences Use of Spellodrome
Ways to help at home - writing Vary sentence structure Begin sentences with different words Use a variety of punctuation Use a topic sentence to begin paragraphs Encourage description and expand detail
Maths Three Parts: Paper 1 Arithmetic 30 minutes. 36 questions worth a total of 40 points. Paper 2 & 3 Reasoning 40 minutes each. worth a total of 35 points each.
Maths Paper 1 - Arithmetic
Maths Paper 1 - Arithmetic
Maths Papers 2 and 3 - Reasoning
Maths Papers 2 and 3 - Reasoning
Maths Papers 2 and 3 - Reasoning
Maths – Style of papers Children are familiar with the style of papers from their time in Year 5 In lessons, children will continue to use questions from papers to practice the skills they are learning Children will complete assessments in January and March to ensure they are prepared
Ways to help at home - Maths One of the most important ways is to sit down and talk to your child: Discuss what they have been doing in each Maths lesson. Ask them to explain. Go through their homework tasks with them. If they can do the work independently then go through it with them afterwards, discussing how they did it and identify any mistakes. (Either explain the work to your child or ask them to see their teacher) Be careful with Calculation Methods – some pupils will be using informal methods – ask your child to explain the method they use. The school calculation policy shows the preferred methods.
Ways to help at home - Maths Many questions involve solving a problem and working in context. Ask questions about the world around them, involving: telling the time, differences in time, reading bus and train timetables, T.V schedules, cooking times, 12 and 24hr clock etc. measuring, estimating, checking – length, area, capacity/volume, mass/weight, temperature (positive/negative), angles etc. money, shopping bills, change, tickets etc. working out fractions and percentage of quantities